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Folder 2021 Media Releases

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pdf Nova Scotia Power has partnered with Natural Forces Solar to build its first community solar garden ( pdf, 100 KB )
pdf MR2021089 Amherst renews agreement with Maritime Gas, approves new agreement with Ramblers ( pdf, 185 KB )
pdf MR2021088 Amherst town council news briefs ( pdf, 189 KB )
pdf MR2021087 Nov 25 Dec 1, 2021, proclaimed Zonta Week ( pdf, 289 KB )
pdf MR2021086 Recommended amendments to town's snow and Ice management policy sent to council for approval ( pdf, 184 KB )
pdf MR2021085 Longtime town engineer Ben Pitman retires ( pdf, 308 KB )
pdf MR2021084 Amherst approves land exchange agreement ( pdf, 131 KB )
pdf MR2021083 Firefighters service recognized ( pdf, 280 KB )
pdf MR2021082 Water rates ( pdf, 187 KB )
pdf MR2021081 Santa Claus is coming to town ( pdf, 319 KB )
pdf MR2021080 Prince Arthur St fire displaces about 20 residents ( pdf, 326 KB )
pdf MR2021079 25 Oct 21 Council meeting news briefs ( pdf, 207 KB )
pdf MR2021078 Three groups receive Community Support Grants ( pdf, 423 KB )
pdf MR2021077 18 Oct 21 committee of the whole news briefs ( pdf, 206 KB )
pdf MR2021076 Sherry Rideout joins the A team ( pdf, 277 KB )
pdf MR2021075 Town of Amherst adopts COVID 19 vaccination policy ( pdf, 181 KB )
pdf MR2021074 Crosswalk flag pilot project launched ( pdf, 280 KB )
pdf MR2021073 Council appoints chair, vice chair of inclusion, diversity and equity committee ( pdf, 177 KB )
pdf MR2021072 Council approves realignment of town staff, amendments to salary administration policy ( pdf, 185 KB )
pdf MR2021071 Town of Amherst presented with plaque commemorating 125th anniversary of Navy League of Canada ( pdf, 346 KB )
pdf MR2021070 National Truth and Reconciliation Day proclaimed in Amherst ( pdf, 273 KB )
pdf MR2021069 27 Sept 21 council session news briefs ( pdf, 255 KB )
pdf MR2021068 Mayors concerned impact of nursing shortage ( pdf, 137 KB )
pdf MR2021067 Sept 27, 2021, proclaimed Medic Monday in Town of Amherst ( pdf, 325 KB )
pdf MR2021066 Right to Know Week proclaimed ( pdf, 317 KB )
pdf MR2021065 Amherst striders praise trail system ( pdf, 315 KB )
pdf MR2021064 Committee of the Whole news briefs ( pdf, 204 KB )
pdf MR2021063 Employees honoured with long service awards ( pdf, 284 KB )
pdf MR2021062 Rail Safety Week proclaimed in Amherst ( pdf, 276 KB )
pdf MR2021061 Amherst Fire Department recruiting volunteers ( pdf, 318 KB )
pdf MR2021060 Amherst Athletics receive $500 community support grant ( pdf, 276 KB )
pdf MR2021059 Gerard Avenue fire ( pdf, 388 KB )
pdf MR2021058 Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awarenes Week proclaimed ( pdf, 285 KB )
pdf MR2021057 Solid Waste Bylaw amendments get second reading ( pdf, 181 KB )
pdf MR2021056 Donated books will help children learn to read ( pdf, 352 KB )
pdf MR2021055 Applications for second round of A Fresh grants accepted ( pdf, 236 KB )
pdf MR2021054 Amherst adopts terms of reference for new committee ( pdf, 190 KB )
pdf MR2021053 Town amends Solid Waste Bylaw ( pdf, 179 KB )
pdf MR2021052 Emancipation Day proclaimed in the Town of Amherst ( pdf, 277 KB )
pdf MR2021051 Amherst hands out community support grants ( pdf, 492 KB )
pdf MR2021050 Amherst firefighters battle blaze ( pdf, 368 KB )
pdf MR2021049 news briefs from June 28, 2021, coucil meeting ( pdf, 197 KB )
pdf MR2021049 David Gautreau retires after 45 years with Town of Amherst ( pdf, 385 KB )
pdf MR2021047 Noise bylaw given first reading ( pdf, 222 KB )
pdf MR2021046 Jason MacDonald appointed chief administrative officer of the Town of Amherst ( pdf, 293 KB )
pdf MR2021045 'A' Fresh winners announced ( pdf, 186 KB )
pdf MR2021044 June 21 COW news briefs ( pdf, 219 KB )
pdf MR2021043 Pride Week proclaimed in the Town of Amherst ( pdf, 282 KB )
pdf MR2021042 Elder Abuse Awareness Day proclaimed ( pdf, 302 KB )
pdf MR2021041 Establishing a youth centre takes a major step forward ( pdf, 325 KB )
pdf MR2021040 Town sets tax rates, approves operating budgets ( pdf, 226 KB )
pdf MR2021039 Jason McBurnie is Town of Amherst's new transportation forman ( pdf, 268 KB )
pdf MR2021038 Leonard Tower retires after 40 years ( pdf, 276 KB )
pdf MR2021037 News briefs from May 25, 2021, council meeting ( pdf, 209 KB )
pdf MR2021036 'A' Fresh Start finalists announced ( pdf, 209 KB )
pdf MR2021035 VON week declared in the town of Amherst ( pdf, 294 KB )
pdf MR2021034 May 17, 21 COW news briefs ( pdf, 216 KB )
pdf MR2021033 Marie MacDonald retires ( pdf, 221 KB )
pdf MR2021032 Amherst Stadium to be site of a COVID 19 testing centre ( pdf, 320 KB )
pdf MR2021031 Matthew Brown joins 'A' team as the town's information services manager ( pdf, 243 KB )
pdf MR2021030 Town of Amherst's Business Development Officer Tamara Porter resigns ( pdf, 178 KB )
pdf MR2021029 Town COVID Case ( pdf, 183 KB )
pdf MR2021028 Town aware of rumour ( pdf, 177 KB )
pdf MR2021027 Youth centre step closure to reality ( pdf, 201 KB )
pdf MR2021026 May proclaimed 2021 Census Month ( pdf, 292 KB )
pdf MR2021025 Lyme Disease Awareness Month proclaimed by the Town of Amherst ( pdf, 291 KB )
pdf MR2021024 Michelle Terfry joins the 'A' team ( pdf, 247 KB )
pdf MR2021023 Amherst town hall, stadium closed as part of provincwide COVID 19 lockdown ( pdf, 255 KB )
pdf MR2021021 council approves capital budgets ( pdf, 190 KB )
pdf MR2021020 Committee fo the whole news briefs April 19, 2021 ( pdf, 204 KB )
pdf MR2021019 Amherst honours its volunteers ( pdf, 402 KB )
pdf MR2021018 Town of Amherst appoints MacDonald as interim CAO ( pdf, 296 KB )
pdf MR2021017 Fire destroys garage ( pdf, 716 KB )
pdf MR2021016 Purple Day proclaimed in Amherst ( pdf, 263 KB )
pdf MR2021015 22 March 21 council news briefs ( pdf, 195 KB )
pdf MR2021014 A Fresh application accepted ( pdf, 235 KB )
pdf MR2021013 Committee of the whole news briefs 15 March 21 ( pdf, 211 KB )
pdf MR2021012 Every Shift is a Marathon recieves community support grant from the town ( pdf, 343 KB )
pdf MR2021011 French Toast Festival March 27 April 3 ( pdf, 290 KB )
pdf MR2021010 Mandatory provincial contribution area rate set ( pdf, 190 KB )
pdf MR2021009 news briefs from 16 Feb 21 committee of the whole meeting ( pdf, 237 KB )
pdf MR2021008 Town presents Athletic Achiever awards ( pdf, 417 KB )
pdf MR2021007 Stadium walking track hours extended ( pdf, 310 KB )
pdf MR2021006 Family Violence Prevention week proclaimed in the Town of Amherst ( pdf, 351 KB )
pdf MR2021005 Town Ramblers sign one year agreement ( pdf, 284 KB )
pdf MR2021004 African Heritage Month proclaimed in the Town of Amherst ( pdf, 295 KB )
pdf MR2021003 25 Jan 21 council news briefs ( pdf, 183 KB )
pdf MR2021002 Committee of the whole news briefs ( pdf, 185 KB )
pdf M2021001 Mitten boxes ( pdf, 407 KB )
pdf Cumberland Central Landfill Sale Transaction with GFL Environmental Inc Approved ( pdf, 193 KB )
pdf Community Solar Garden Applications Open - Nov. 29, 2021 ( pdf, 194 KB )