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Town of Amherst's flag protocol policy amendment recommended

An amendment to the town’s flag protocol policy is being recommended by the Amherst town council’s committee of the whole.

The policy, which follows Government of Canada flag-flying requirements and etiquette, provides directions on how flags should be flown when displayed at Town of Amherst events or on town flag poles. It includes the proper protocol for flying flags, maintaining flags and flying flags at half-mast.

The amendment is required due to the addition of two new flag poles to the existing three poles at the Church St. site, one of which will fly the Mi’kmaq Grand Council flag in perpetuity. It outlines the protocol for flying more than three flags in a semicircle configuration.

That protocol states the Canadian flag shall be displayed in the centre, with the other flags being placed in order based on the level of government and all other flags flown in alphabetical order. As such, when looking at the flags from Church St., the Canadian flag would be in the centre, the provincial flag immediately to its left and the town’s flag immediately to its right. All other flags would then be flown in alphabetical order.

The committee is recommending the council approve the amendment when it meets in regular session on Oct. 24, 2022.