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 Think local. Shop local. Give local.

Local business owners are invested in the well-being of our community and its future.  Small businesses provide opportunities for entrepreneurs, create meaningful jobs and foster our local economy. In addition, they continually support our neighbourhoods and community.  By supporting these businesses we work with them to strengthen our local economy. Together we can build a vibrant healthy Amherst. 

The Amherst Loves You Back initiative supports our local business community by promoting all they have to offer through social media and annual events.  For the latest business features and promotions follow the @AmherstLovesYouBack Facebook page.  Business related events include The Scarecrow Stroll, Spirits Walk, Amherst Cookie Crawl, French Toast Fest, Date Night and more!  For event details and a full schedule click on Festivals and Events.   


Top 10 reasons to support local poster

6 ways to support local