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Amendments to town’s snow and ice management policy sent to council for approval

The Amherst town council’s committee of the whole approved sending amendments to the town’s snow and ice management policy to the Monday, Nov. 29, 2021, council meeting for approval.

The committee gave the approval when it met on Monday, Nov. 22, 2021, after hearing a staff report that recommended amending the policy in order to update the list of town-owned and/or leased parking lots, to include a definition of “bare pavement” and formally establishing a priority sidewalk snow clearing route, which has been in effect on a trial basis for the past two years.

This priority route is intended to make pedestrian travel on some of the town’s busier sidewalks safer during street snow-clearing operations.

Heritage Trust to make presentation  

The committee directed staff to schedule a presentation by the Amherst Area Heritage Trust at a future meeting. The trust has indicated to the committee that they want to discuss reviewing the town’s Heritage Property Bylaw and Heritage Property Committee.

Emergency Shelter Project 

The committee received a report on a proposed emergency shelter that would be located on the property of Holy Family Parish church.

Following a discussion on the need for such a shelter in the community, the committee instructed staff to work with the church, the local shelter committee and other organizations to investigate ways to provide an emergency shelter in Amherst in this fiscal year.

Noise bylaw update

 Staff informed the committee that due to new provincial legislation, which enables municipalities to develop bylaws and regulation around vehicle noise, the town’s proposed new noise bylaw should be further reviewed.

As a result, the town’s proposed noise bylaw will not go to second reading as initially planned. Instead, a new draft noise bylaw will be developed and brought to council for a first reading once the review is completed.

Yield sign review

The town’s traffic authority informed the committee that a review of using yield signs at some town intersections will take place shortly.

The review is being conducted because many of the yield signs currently in use in town do not comply with the updated criteria contained in the Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada.

The review may result in yield signs being replaced with stops signs at some of the town’s intersections.