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Afghanistan War Memorial Unveiled During Ceremony in Amherst

On Saturday afternoon, September 23, residents of Amherst and surrounding communities near and far gathered downtown to honour Canadian Forces personnel and pay special tribute to those members who served in Afghanistan.

The Afghanistan War Memorial was unveiled in a touching ceremony befitting the solemn cause of remembering the 158 Canadian Armed Forces members who paid the supreme sacrifice in defense of freedom during the war.

“This monument is only one of three that we are aware of in Nova Scotia – and one of a few currently in place across the country – to honour and pay respect by listing the names of all 158 Canadian Armed Forces members who lost their lives while fighting the war in Afghanistan,” said Justin McKay, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 10 Amherst’s Sergeant-at-Arms.

Saturday’s event to unveil the beautiful new monument took place during Legion Week, which is fitting, because of the important role the Royal Canadian Legion played in ensuring the vision of this memorial stone became a reality.

“I am very proud of the hard work that went into this project, our Afghanistan War veterans and other service members who attended the ceremony, and for everyone who came out to support such an important cause and moment in history,” said McKay. “Thank you to everyone involved.”

Ceremonies included a parade of Afghanistan War veterans to the monument site, led by a colour party and pipe band. Remarks acknowledging the importance and significance of the monument’s unveiling were delivered by military personnel and area politicians.

The Afghanistan War Memorial is located in a newly-developed memorial park beside Amherst Town Hall, 98 Victoria Street E in Downtown Amherst. The site will provide a place of comfort for visitors to honour all those who lost their lives, and to reflect upon how such sacrifices affect the freedoms we enjoy every day as Canadians.

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