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Amherst Area Heritage Trust receives $1,485 community support grant

An Amherst Area Heritage Trust event that will help preserve, promote and protect Amherst’s historic built heritage has received a $1,485 boost from the Town of Amherst.

“We’re very proud to present this Community Support Grant to the trust,” Mayor David Kogon said as he presented the cheque to trust representatives Leslie Childs and Denise Allan on Dec. 3.

“The town council and I urge people to support this new event that is bringing much needed attention to our historic homes and buildings. The council certainly supports the efforts of the Amherst Area Heritage Trust as it works to preserve our town’s history.”

The mayor said the council wished it could do more for the trust and other community organizations carrying out important work that benefits the community, but notedHeriitage Cmty grant 2 B financial constraints prevent it from doing so.

“We’d like to thank the town for supporting our event that will be held at the Col. James Layton Ralston Armoury,” Childs, the trust’s chair, said as she accepted the cheque. “The event will feature speakers and historic photos. Its focus will be on the preservation, promotion and protection of Amherst’s built heritage.”

The date for the event has not yet been finalized, but Childs said it will take place in early 2020 and will also feature a silent auction and food.

She noted Amherst is well endowed with historical architecture.

“Between 1880 and the First World War, the town had many skilled crafts people who were experts in the use of wood, glass and plaster,” Childs said. “They filled area homes with works of art. We seem to take it all for granted, but we have to ensure its preservation for years to come.”

The trust is also hoping a book it is working on will be ready in time to be launched during the event. Titled Amherst Past and Present, the publication will feature historic photos of the town’s architecture along side pictures that show how the buildings look today.

If the book isn’t ready for the upcoming event, it will be launched “in the new year for sure,” Childs said.