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Amherst Board of Police Commissioners bylaw amended

The Amherst town council approved the second and final reading of an amendment to the Bylaw Respecting the Amherst Board of Police Commissioners when it met in special session on Monday, Sept. 26, 2022.

The amendment adds the following to the bylaw:

The Town of Amherst is an inclusive and equitable organization. We value inclusivity and diversity in all areas of the workplace, including the Amherst Board of Police Commissioners. We encourage membership from members of groups who are typically underrepresented and with historical and/or current barriers to equity.

The board had previously recommended the inclusion of the clause in the membership section of they bylaw because it believes it will show “the Amherst Board of Police Commissioners values inclusivity and diversity, and will strive to ensure the membership reflects the stated goals.”

The Amherst town council shares that view as it has set making this diverse town more equitable and inclusive as one of its top priorities.

Council gave first reading to the amendment on May 24, 2022, and published its intent in the Cumberland Wire on Sept. 7, 2022, as required by the province’s Municipal Government Act.