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Amherst proclaims April to be Essential Services Workers Month

The Town of Amherst has declared the month of April to be Essential Services Workers Month.

“Our police officers, firefighters, public works crews, correctional officers, doctors, nurses, paramedics and other health-care workers, pharmacists and pharmacy and retail workers are vital to the health and safety of our community,” Mayor David Kogon said on April 3, 2020, as he signed the proclamation.

“These Essential Services Workers have been in the forefront of the battle against COVID-19 since the coronavirus surfaced. They are risking their own lives to ensure the community food supply, health care, public services like sewer and water and protective services remain viable during this pandemic.

“The members of Amherst town council and the citizens of this community want to recognize the sacrifices and outstanding effort made by Essential Services Essential Services Workers 1 CWorkers who have gone beyond the call of duty during this time of crisis.

“I would urge every citizen in town to take every opportunity – keeping in mind social distancing – to say thank you to these Essential Services Workers.”

The mayor added people should also be thanking the families of these Essential Services Workers as well because “our Essential Services Workers could not do the excellent job they are doing without the sacrifices and support offered by their families.”

Later in the day, Mayor David Kogon, Fire Chief Greg Jones and Police Chief Dwayne Pike raised a First Responder’s flag at the intersection of Church and Albion Streets. All three said they wanted citizens to remember the dedication and sacrifice shown by all Essential Services Workers during this pandemic when they look up at the flag.

To help ensure the safety of these important workers and all citizens of the town during the current state of emergency, Kogon urged people to continue practising good hygiene, social distancing and cough and sneeze etiquette, and to limit social gatherings to no more than five people.

“What we are doing is working, so please keep doing it as it is flattening the curve and so reducing the number of people affected and saving lives.”