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Amherst town council Dec. 19, 2022, meeting highlights

The Amherst town council at its Dec. 19, 2022, meeting approved changing the meeting dates during the upcoming year because they conflict with various holidays.

Normally, the Committee of the Whole meets on the third Monday of the month, while council meets on the fourth Monday. However, in February the Committee of the Whole meeting would fall on Heritage Day. As a result, it was rescheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2023.

Similarly, the May council meeting would fall on Victoria Day, so, it was rescheduled for Tuesday, May 23, 2023.

The December council date would have fallen on Christmas Day. As a result, it was rescheduled to be held on Dec. 18, 2023, and the Committee of the Whole meeting, which normally starts at 4 p.m., will now start at 3 p.m.

Auditor Appointed 

The firm McIsaac Darragh Inc. was appointed as the Town of Amherst’s auditor for the 2022-23 fiscal year.

They also have the possibility of four, single-year, extensions, which are to be reviewed and determined before March 31 of each fiscal year.

Their appointment and the possibility for extensions were recommended by the town’s audit committee following a request for proposals. They noted McIsaac Darragh Inc. is registered as a municipal auditor. They also have many years of experience in municipal auditing and their clients includes the Municipality of the County of Cumberland, the Cumberland Senior Care Corporation, Sunset Community Inc. and the Village of Dorchester.

Intermunicipal Collaboration

The Amherst town council is inviting the Municipality of the County of Cumberland to participate in a joint meeting or workshop with the aim of developing an ongoing framework of working principles between the two municipal units for ongoing and future collaboration.

Council believes establishing a solid foundation of working principles between the two municipalities will create more efficiencies in the decision-making process and joint initiatives.

The council noted the invitation wasn’t a criticism of the work of either municipality, but rather an opportunity to create a framework between the two municipalities for collaborative work going forward.

Seasons Greeting 

At the conclusion of the meeting, Mayor David Kogon, on behalf of council and town staff, said he’d like “to wish all residents a safe and happy holiday season.”