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Council approves purchase of aerial fire truck, awards paving contract

Fort Garry Fire Trucks will supply the Town of Amherst with a new aerial fire truck.

The Amherst town council approved the purchase of the $1.9-million vehicle from the Manitoba company during a special council session held on Monday, July 4, 2022. It will replace a 27-year-old unit that has reached the end of its useful life.

Delivery time will be 12 months.

In approving the purchase, council members noted that it was important to be able to continue to provide equipment to the fire department that helped ensure the safety of residents and firefighters.

They also noted the presence and use of an aerial ladder truck has a positive impact on fire insurance rates for all residential and commercial properties in the town. They noted that if the town did not have such a truck, insurance rates would rise between four and five per cent.

Paving contract awarded

Costin Paving and Contracting Ltd. has been awarded a contract to carry out the paving of some town streets and accessible pathways in town parks.

The company’s bid of slightly more than $1 million was the lowest of two tenders received by the town.

Paving of the streets improves the driving condition of those streets and extends their life for an additional 10 to 15 years. The paving of accessible pathways in the parks will be a great benefit to all users, especially those with limited mobility.

Hand-delivered notices will be given to all affected residents and businesses prior to the start of construction.