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Amherst firefighters battle Willow Street Blaze

Amherst firefighters and police officers responded to a house fire at 52 Willow Street on March 29.

The alarm was turned in at about 11:38 a.m. Initial reports indicated there was an explosion, but that has not been verified.


Willow fire

When firefighters arrived smoke was billowing from every window and door in the structure.

No one was injured.

The cause of the fire, which is deemed suspicious, is under investigation.

Firefighters were on the scene until 2:16 p.m.

Amherst police officers remain on the scene and will monitor it until an investigation is carried out on March 30 by the Nova Scotia fire marshal’s office and the Amherst fire and police departments.

Police closed Willow Street between Mildford and Spring Streets and Spring Street between Willow St. and Boylston Avenue during the fire, which sent dense smoke into the air. The streets were reopened at 2:16 p.m.