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Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Committee terms of reference approved

Amherst town council approved the terms of reference for its new Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Committee during a special session held on Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021.

“The town values inclusivity, diversity and equity in all areas of the workplace,” Mayor David Kogon said. “We value the contribution each citizen brings and the town is committed to ensuring full and equitable participation for all in our community.”

The new committee, the mayor added, will help achieve that goal by advising the council on matters related to inclusion, diversity and equity within the town’s organization and within the community-at-large.

In the preamble to the terms of reference, the council noted its vision is to be a healthy, prosperous, inclusive and environmentally sustainable community in which people of all ages, abilities and cultures are engaged and proud to live, work and play in.

Once the committee is established it will focus on:

  • Making recommendations to council for the development and/or revision of policies and practices in order to create a diverse municipal workforce and to ensure an inclusive workplace;
  • making recommendations regarding equitable municipal services and program that meet the needs of all residents, and;
  • promoting and celebrating the diversity within our community.

The terms of reference also define the makeup of the committee, the committee membership selection process, the frequency of meetings and where those meetings will be held. They also indicate the decisions of the committee will be made by majority vote.

In addition, the terms state the committee’s initial mandate is for a two-year period, with the first 12 months dedicated to the creation of an internal organizational action plan. At the end of the 12 months, the committee will evaluate the feasibility of developing an external community action plan.

At the end of the two-year period, the committee will review the terms of reference and make recommendations to council regarding the committee’s continuing role.

A formal request for interested committee members will be issued in the near future.