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A statement by Mayor David Kogon regarding the reprimand of Coun. Vince Byrne by the Nova Scotia Securities Commission

Last month, Coun. Vince Byrne reached a settlement agreement with the Nova Scotia Securities Commission with regard to their investigation in to his activities. This settlement agreement and the order of the securities commission is part of the public record and is available on the commission’s website and brings the matter to a close.

“Council has been aware of the investigation since the current council came to office in late 2016. As a result, council declined to appoint Coun. Byrne to the town’s audit committee and the Amherst Board of Police Commissioners. Both of these exclusions remain in place.

“Now that the commission’s investigation is completed, council will seek legal advice with respect to the most appropriate course of action.

“It should be noted, though, that no process exists in Nova Scotia that results in a sitting member of council being removed from their seat by a vote of council.”