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National Truth and Reconciliation Day proclaimed in Amherst

Mayor David Kogon has signed a proclamation declaring Thursday, Sept. 30, 2021, to be National Truth and Reconciliation Day in the Town of Amherst.

“We have all learned in recent months of the tragedies that took place in residential schools across Canada,” Kogon, said as he signed the proclamation on behalf of the Amherst town council on Sept. 29, 2021.

“By taking this day to honour First Nations, Inuit and Metis children who lost their lives attending these residential schools as well as residential school survivors, their families and communities, we take an all-important step towards reconciliation.”

Recognizing National Truth and Reconciliation Day will also ensure the public commemoration of this tragic, painful history and legacy of residential schoolsTruthandrecon B will remain a vital component of the reconciliation process, the mayor said.

“In the spirit of that reconciliation, we urge all residents of the Town of Amherst to take the time on Thursday, Sept. 30, 2021, to have important discussions about Canada’s history of residential schools,” Kogon said. “We also urge them to reflect on how we can all work together towards a fair, equitable and inclusive community, province and nation.”

As part of the commemoration and reconciliation process, the town will also fly an Every Child Matters flag on National Truth and Reconciliation Day at the corner of Church and Albion streets.