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Scout-Guide flag flies over Amherst

There’s a different flag flying in the Town of Amherst.

Cubs, scouts and venturers from the Amherst, Fenwick and Springhill scouting organizations raised a Scouts Canada flag on Feb. 15 moments after Deputy-mayor Sheila Christie read a proclamation declaring Feb. 18-24 Scout-Guide Week in the Town of Amherst.

The flag will fly at the corner of Church and Albion streets until the end of Scout-Guides Week.2018015 Scout 2B

Reading from the proclamation, Christie said Scouts Canada is the country’s leading co-ed youth organization offering programs for youth aged five to 26.

She noted the programs are developed and maintained by energetic and dedicated volunteers who give “selflessly of their time.”

Christie also noted the organization has brought a “world of adventure, outdoor experience and friendship” to millions of Canadian youth in the more than 100 years the scouting organization has been in existence in Canada.

The highly diverse organization welcomes all people to its membership, “which reflects Canada’s multicultural landscape”, Christie said.

“Scout-Guide Week is an opportunity to recognize the limitless potential of Canadian youth and the work scouting does to help build a better world.”

Earlier in the day, those who participated in the flag-raising were at town hall to watch Christie sign the proclamation.