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Staff directed to have water rate study conducted

Amherst town council’s committee of the whole directed town staff on Monday, Jan. 18, 2021, to begin the process of having a water rate study prepared that may eventually be used in applying to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board for new water rates.

The town’s current water rates were last reviewed in 2017, and were in effect until April, 1, 2020. The Amherst Water Utility has been using the 2019 rates since last April.

It was noted it was good practice to review the water rates on a regular basis to ensure the utility does not operate with a deficit. It was also noted the town currently has the fourth lowest water rates in the province.

Walking Track 

The committee directed staff to examine the possibility of expanding the operating hours of the walking track at the Amherst Stadium and to report back to the committee in the near future. 

Youth Centre

The committee directed staff to advise Cumberland Kids that it agrees in principle to support a youth centre in the town and to ask the organization to provide the committee with a special proposal by Feb. 26, 2021.