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Town of Amherst approves land exchange agreement

The Town of Amherst approved a land exchange agreement at a special meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2021, that will bring the sale of the Cumberland Central Landfill in Little Forks one step closer to completion.

Last June, the Town of Amherst, along with the Municipality of Cumberland and the Town of Oxford, agreed to sell the landfill and septage treatment facility to GFL Environmental in a deal that ensures the stable collection of solid waste and tipping fees for the next 25 years while relieving the three municipalities of all environmental liabilities associated with the landfill.

Among the conditions of the sale was an exchange of lands owned by Rothesay Paper Holdings Ltd. and lands held by the Municipality of Cumberland in trust for the towns of Amherst and Oxford.

The approval of the land exchange agreement was unanimously recommended by the steering committee the three councils established to negotiate the sale of the landfill.

The agreement was approved by the Municipality of Cumberland and Town of Oxford councils earlier this week.

The expected closing date of the sale of the landfill is Dec. 1, 2021.