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Town of Amherst hands out Community Support Grants

Nearly $60,000 in Community Support grants were handed out by the Town of Amherst on Thursday, Sept. 17, 2020, to 10 organizations that help make Amherst a great place to live, work and play.

“It is organizations the like the ones here this evening that help make this town a strong, caring community,” said Mayor David Kogon, who, along with other members of council, handed out the grants.

“Amherst couldn’t function without these very active community organizations. Their work, whether with children or adults, is priceless to this grant 10 B Their incredible contribution is one of the main reasons this can encourages others to see why we love it.”

Kogon noted the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the number of grants that were handed out this year. As an example, no ‘A’ Fresh Start Initiative Grants were handed out because the pandemic caused that event to be cancelled. Several other organizations did not receive grants as well because the pandemic also forced them to cancel the activities they had planned.

In addition, the mayor pointed out the town always receives more requests than it can fulfill.

“We would really like to do more, but budgetary constraints prevent us for doing so,” he said.

Receiving community support grants were:

 - Nova Scotia Community College, $20,000, for the NSCC Make Way Campaign, which provides assistance to students in financial need.

- Maggie’s Place-Family Resource Centre, $10,000, to assist the organization secure and develop a designated youth space in the Town of Amherst.

- Autumn House, $10,000, to assist them in their efforts to support victims of family violence through a variety of programming.

- Cumberland County Seniors, $6,500, to assist in several initiatives they offer to area grant 2 B

- Cumberland County Transportation Services, $5,000, to assist in the purchase of a new vehicle and to help maintain the service’s four vehicle fleet.

- Cumberland County Museum & Archives, $4,000, to assist the museum in repairing damage caused by hurricane Dorian.

- Amherst Little League Baseball and Amherst Little League T-Ball, at total of $2,000, to assist the league in improvements to the fencing around its two ballfields and new uniforms.

- Multicultural Association, $1,000, to assist in the delivery of programming that supports multiculturalism.

- Fundy Winds Society, $500, to assist with trail improvement.

- Sexual Health Centre for Cumberland County, $500, to assist with youth-centred programming and establishment of a youth program space at the Amherst location.