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Folder 2018 Media Releases

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pdf MR2018093 Police Review report ( pdf, 206 KB )
pdf MR2018092 Work on Willow Street on hiatus until next construction season ( pdf, 280 KB )
pdf MR2018091 Communities in Bloom praises Amherst ( pdf, 229 KB )
pdf MR2018090 Nov 26 council news briefs ( pdf, 163 KB )
pdf MR2018089 Municipal Awareness proclamation ( pdf, 213 KB )
pdf MR2018088 A Fresh start recipients pick up cheques ( pdf, 271 KB )
pdf MR2018087 NNSH mural dedicationi ( pdf, 242 KB )
pdf MR2018086 A Fresh Initiative grants awarded 2nd version ( pdf, 293 KB )
pdf MR2018085 Poppy campaign ( pdf, 221 KB )
pdf MR2018084 Baxter Bench ( pdf, 245 KB )
pdf MR2018083 Oct 22 council news briefs ( pdf, 216 KB )
pdf MR2018082 New briefs from Oct ( pdf, 178 KB )
pdf MR2018081 'A' Fressh Start finalists ( pdf, 159 KB )
pdf MR2018080 Amherst YMCA contribution agreement ( pdf, 244 KB )
pdf MR2018079 Remembrance Banners ( pdf, 255 KB )
pdf MR2018078 Chief Jones gets receives designation ( pdf, 203 KB )
pdf MR2018077 Financial Statements ( pdf, 182 KB )
pdf MR2018076 Sept 24 council news briefs ( pdf, 176 KB )
pdf MR2018075 news briefs from Sept 17 COW meeting ( pdf, 189 KB )
pdf MR2018074 Zonta Week delcared in Amherst ( pdf, 231 KB )
pdf MR2018073 Application open for A Fresh Start Initiative ( pdf, 166 KB )
pdf MR2018072 Willow Street infrastructure project to begin ( pdf, 228 KB )
document MR2018071 helmets required ( docx, 1.07 MB )
document MR2018070 Bantam Baseball support grant ( docx, 5.14 MB )
pdf MR2018069 Deputy mayor declares Aug 31 Overdose Awareness Day ( pdf, 231 KB )
pdf MR2018068 lift station malfunction ( pdf, 178 KB )
pdf MR2018067 Town council statement on physician crisis at CRHCC ( pdf, 198 KB )
pdf MR2018066 helmet donation ( pdf, 242 KB )
pdf MR2018065 Mayor's response to Dr ( pdf, 164 KB )
pdf MR2018064 A Fest sponsors ( pdf, 241 KB )
pdf MR2018063 Town supports healthcare petition ( pdf, 164 KB )
pdf MR2018062 Willow St reconstruction tender ( pdf, 160 KB )
pdf MR2018061 Amherst reservoir officially commissioned (AutoRecovered) ( pdf, 236 KB )
pdf MR2018060 Active transportation installation plan ( pdf, 222 KB )
pdf MR2018059 Naylor receives second bar to medal ( pdf, 177 KB )
pdf MR2018058 East Pleasant Street reconstruction ( pdf, 171 KB )
pdf MR2018057 Crosswalk Review Press release ( pdf, 197 KB )
pdf MR2018056 Edgewood Avenue fire ( pdf, 163 KB )
pdf MR2018055 Long service awards ( pdf, 408 KB )
document MR2018054 Electric car charging station official opened ( docx, 7.64 MB )
pdf MR2018053 Amherst Ramblers, Town of Amherst sign contract ( pdf, 161 KB )
pdf MR2018052 A fresh start ( pdf, 121 KB )
pdf MR2018051 Town of Amherst hands out Community Grants ( pdf, 242 KB )
pdf MR2018050 Amherst Active Transportation Plan praised by provincial health officials ( pdf, 168 KB )
pdf MR2018049 heads up helmets on ( pdf, 180 KB )
pdf MR2018048 June committee fo the whole news briefs ( pdf, 124 KB )
pdf MR2018047 Summer kickoff ( pdf, 185 KB )
pdf MR2018046 building permits ( pdf, 178 KB )
pdf MR2018045 National Indigenous Peoples Day ( pdf, 148 KB )
pdf MR2018044 Pride Proclamation ( pdf, 152 KB )
pdf MR2018043 national health and fitness week proclamation ( pdf, 177 KB )
pdf MR2018042 water main cleaning ( pdf, 151 KB )
pdf MR2018041 May 28 Amherst council briefs ( pdf, 120 KB )
pdf MR2018040 Active Transportation Plan news release ( pdf, 174 KB )
pdf MR2018039 Policing study ( pdf, 253 KB )
pdf MR2018038 Amherst CUPE extend contract ( pdf, 182 KB )
document MR2018037 2018 19 budget ( docx, 1.18 MB )
pdf MR2018036 multi vehicle fire ( pdf, 227 KB )
pdf MR2018035 VON Week proclamation ( pdf, 214 KB )
pdf MR2018034 Mayor welcomes news on Chignector of Isthmus Study ( pdf, 176 KB )
document MR2018033 Municipal indictors present positive snapshot of Town of Amherst ( docx, 612 KB )
pdf MR2018032 Amherst, police union sign contract ( pdf, 169 KB )
pdf MR2018031 Mayor congratulates Archaway Insurance on being named top brokerage in Canada ( pdf, 148 KB )
pdf MR2018030 Council approves updated wellfield protection strategy ( pdf, 141 KB )
pdf MR2018029 Gaelic Nova Scotia Month proclaimed ( pdf, 158 KB )
pdf MR2018028 National Day of Mourning ( pdf, 203 KB )
pdf MR2018027 April committee of the whole briefs ( pdf, 125 KB )
pdf MR2018026 Town of Amherst honours athletic achievers ( pdf, 187 KB )
pdf MR2018025 Town of Amherst recognizes volunteers2 ( pdf, 190 KB )
pdf MR2018024 Fire 52 Willow St Amherst NS ( pdf, 184 KB )
pdf MR2018023 March 26 town council briefs ( pdf, 130 KB )
pdf MR2018022 March 19 COW briefs (2) ( pdf, 131 KB )
pdf MR2018021 Rector appointed new CFO ( pdf, 167 KB )
document MR2018020 Statement by Mayor Kogon on Byrne reprimand by NSSC ( docx, 609 KB )
document MR2018019 February 26 regular council briefs ( docx, 611 KB )
pdf MR2018018 Council appointments ( pdf, 123 KB )
pdf MR2018017 Volunteer awards ( pdf, 232 KB )
pdf MR2018016 solid waste collection contract dual streamingB ( pdf, 185 KB )
pdf MR2018015 Feb 20 committee of the whole briefs ( pdf, 142 KB )
pdf MR2018014 Scout Guide Week flag raising ( pdf, 185 KB )
pdf MR2018013 Amherst $ for African Heritage Month event ( pdf, 173 KB )
pdf MR2018012 Town gives curling club $500 grant ( pdf, 171 KB )
pdf MR2018011 Family Violence Prevention Week Proclamation ( pdf, 197 KB )
pdf MR2018010 Rebecca Taylor appointed Business Devleopment Officer ( pdf, 183 KB )
pdf MR2018009 Amherst town council helps with bus purchase ( pdf, 172 KB )
pdf MR2018008 Amherst, union react to police arbitration ruling ( pdf, 172 KB )
pdf MR2018007 African Heritage Month 2018 ( pdf, 406 KB )
pdf MR2018006 briefs from January committee of the whole ( pdf, 120 KB )
pdf MR2018005 Town supports United Way's festival of trees ( pdf, 176 KB )
pdf MR2018004 water main break ( pdf, 116 KB )
pdf MR2018003 Town, VIA Rail reach deal to save historic Amherst train station ( pdf, 191 KB )
pdf MR2018002 Amherst hosting Atlantic Canada Forest Health Workshop ( pdf, 842 KB )
pdf MR2018001 Via Rail Station ( pdf, 201 KB )