Media Releases

Three People Charged Defrauding Vulnerable Person
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Amherst Police Department
After a 13-month investigation, the Amherst Police Major Crime Unit has laid charges of fraud over $5,000 against three individuals.
In November of 2023, a female victim who suffers from Lou Gehrig’s disease, reported to Amherst Police that a large amount of money was missing from her bank account. The victim, who cannot move, requires several hours of care each day from a variety of care workers. The victim was provided with government funding to allow her to stay in her home.
Investigation into the matter revealed that three staff members assigned to provide care for the victim had removed large sums of money from the victim’s bank account, allegedly to cover hours they had worked. The investigation indicated there were discrepancies between the hours of work reported and the actual hours that had been worked.
Clara Harvey, age 29 years, Stacy Leblanc, age 41 years and Gracie Meisner, age 20 years have all been charged with fraud over $5,000.
Harvey, Leblanc and Meisner were arrested in December 2024 and appeared in court on February 3rd, 2025. All three adjourned their pleas and will next appear in Amherst Provincial Court on March 17th, 2025.
Anyone with further information related to this incident is asked to contact the Amherst Police Department at 902-667-8600 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).
APD Media Contact:
Cpl. Tom Wood – APD Major Crime Unit
PH: 902-667-8600

January 27, 2025 Amherst Town Council - Meeting Highlights
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On Monday night, Amherst Town Council voted to adopt the 2024-2028 Strategic Plan. This new tool will be used to guide Council in decision making during their term, and provide staff with direction in developing and implementing their budgets and work plans. The plan establishes Economic Prosperity and a Vibrant Community as our two main priorities, and includes outcomes and initiatives established to work towards these priorities. pdf The new plan is available on our website (8.66 MB) .
Salary Administration Policy
The new strategic plan will have a number of impacts on the distribution of work for Town staff; Council approved several recommendations to realign our resources to effectively implement the new plan, which required amendments to the Salary Administration Policy. The Procurement Coordinator position was eliminated; a new Marketing and Communications Strategist position was created; Director of Planning & Strategic Initiatives was renamed to Director of Planning & Economic Development; Business Development Officer was renamed to Economic Development Officer; Director of Communications, Procurement, and IT was reassigned to the new Deputy CAO; and, the CAO’s office was added to the Salary Administration Policy, with the following positions: Deputy CAO, Marketing and Communications Strategist, Communications Officer, Municipal Clerk, and Administrative Assistant – Clerk’s Office. While many changes have occurred, there is no net increase in staff positions.
Financial Policies
A number of financial matters were brought before Council on Monday. It is mandated under the Municipal Government Act and the Financial Reporting and Accounting Manual (FRAM) for the Province of Nova Scotia that, by January 31 following an election held under the Municipal Elections Act, the Expense Reimbursement Policy, the Hospitality Policy, and the Audit Committee Terms of Reference Policy shall all be reviewed. Council accepted recommendations to update the Expense Reimbursement Policy and the Hospitality Policy to correct minor grammatical errors, update reporting and review requirements; no updates were recommended for the Audit Committee Terms of Reference Policy.

December 16, 2024 Amherst Town Council - Meeting Highlights
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During Monday night’s meeting of Amherst Town Council, a motion was passed approving funding for two initiatives, totalling $8,100 under the Community Support Grants Policy, Social Equity Fund. From the approved funding amount, a $5,000 contribution will be made to the Amherst Community Christmas Dinner, which is open to anyone, providing an inclusive environment for those experiencing food insecurity and a welcoming holiday meal. A $3,100 contribution will be made to the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, which provides books to more than 220 children in Amherst to inspire their quest for learning.
Audit Committee – Citizen Appointment
One of the two citizen appointees to the Town of Amherst’s Audit Committee – Rob Small – was recently elected as Mayor. Therefore, his appointment to the committee as a citizen was vacant for a period. Expressions of interest were sought through The Casket and Town of Amherst social media, resulting in receipt of three applications.
On Monday night, Council appointed Rae Burke as a citizen member of the Town of Amherst Audit Committee for a term ending on October 31, 2025.
Amherst Youth Town Council Appointments
Involving youth in the community adds value to youth development. It also empowers our young people to be active participants in their community through positive engagement, while providing Council with a youth perspective on issues pertaining to young people in Amherst.
In June of 2024, seven students expressed interest in returning to the Amherst Youth Town Council, which is capped at 15 members; since then, two new persons have been recruited. Council appointed Isla Crocker and Hanna Brunt to the Amherst Youth Town Council on Monday night, bringing the total number of members up to nine.
Police Body-Worn Cameras
The purchase of 10 body-worn cameras for the amount of $50,000 was approved in the 2024/25 Capital Budget. Since the purchase was initially considered, technology and pricing have changed considerably. Staff recommended a solution to lease the equipment instead of purchasing it.
In leasing the equipment, the provider will ensure required integrations with existing technology, data storage in the cloud, as well as required repairs and equipment replacement.
Council passed a motion to remove the purchase of 10 police body-worn cameras from the 2024/25 Capital Budget and authorized the lease of 12 police body-worn cameras at a cost of approximately $20,000 annually, to be funded from the Police Department Operating Budget.
Full details of the Council meeting are available in the agenda package, located on our website

Amherst Holding New Year’s Eve Event Featuring Fireworks Display
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At a special meeting of Amherst Town Council on Tuesday afternoon, a motion was passed to move forward with including fireworks at the Amherst Stadium following the planned skating party on New Years Eve.
Staff confirmed that the supplier – Fireworks FX – can accommodate the request, and Amherst will have a fireworks show on New Year’s Eve.
Community Living staff are planning a small early afternoon event at the Amherst Stadium for December 31. This will include ice skating and hot chocolate – taking place from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
New Year’s Eve fireworks will begin right around 5:30 p.m. at the Amherst Stadium.

Amherst Man Charged with Multiple Offences
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Amherst Police Department
The Amherst Police Department has made an arrest and laid a charge of sexual assault against a "holistic practitioner" operating in Amherst, Nova Scotia.
Mangala Ranasinghe, aged 59 years old, who operates “Healing Touch Holistic” located in Amherst Nova Scotia was arrested on November 27th 2024 after the Amherst Police Major Crime Unit, with the assistance of the Patrol Section, executed a search warrant at that location. The investigation was initiated after Amherst Police received a complaint from an adult female that she had allegedly been sexually assaulted during a visit to the location in October 2024.
Sexual assault is any touching of another person without their consent where the touching is of a sexual nature, or where the sexual integrity of the victim is violated. A sexual assault can range from unwanted touching to sexual assault involving penetration.
There is no statute of limitation when it comes to reporting a sexual assault. This means that no matter how long ago the sexual assault happened, you can still report it to police for investigation.
Ranasinghe was arrested, held in custody and is expected to appear in court later on November 28th, 2024.
Anyone with information related to this incident or similar incidents is asked to contact the Amherst Police Department at 902-667-8600 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
APD Media Contact:
Cpl. Tom Wood

November 25 Town Council - Meeting Highlights
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Deputy Mayor
Councillor Hal Davidson was elected deputy mayor of the Town of Amherst at Monday’s council meeting. Davidson, who was first elected to council in 2020 and re-elected in October 2024, will serve a one-year term.
Council Committee Appointments
Following a municipal election, Mayor and members of Council must be formally appointed to a number of committees. All members of Council are appointed to the Committee of the Whole of Amherst Town Council, as well as the Amherst Audit Committee. The following appointments were also approved by a motion of Council, effective November 25, 2024, and expiring on October 31, 2025 (unless otherwise noted):
Mayor Small: GFL Community Liaison Committee; Regional Emergency Management; and, Tyndal Wellfield Advisory Committee.
Councillor Chambers: Amherst Board of Police Commissioners (expiring October 31, 2027); Planning Advisory Committee; and, YMCA Board of Directors.
Councillor Davidson: Amherst Board of Police Commissioners (expiring October 31, 2026); and, Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Committee.
Councillor Furlong: Amherst Board of Police Commissioners (expiring October 31, 2027); Northern Region Solid Waste Committee; and, Regional Emergency Management.
Councillor McManaman: Accessibility Advisory Committee; Cumberland Public Libraries Board; Planning Advisory Committee; and, Tyndal Wellfield Advisory Committee.
Councillor Ripley: Intermunicipal Tourism Committee; and, Planning Advisory Committee.
Councillor Wells: Accessibility Advisory Committee; Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Committee; and, Senior Safety Advisory Committee.