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The Town of Amherst Strategic Plan for 2024-2028 was recently adopted by Council. 

Ours is a vibrant town that beautifully blends history, community spirit and a welcoming atmosphere. Whether you're visiting or calling Amherst your home, we offer a blend of tradition, charm, and warmth that leaves a lasting impression.

Amherst is a place where community comes first, and our residents take pride in our history and future.

This plan is designed to ensure sustainable growth, address challenges, and create a thriving community for current and future residents.

By defining our long term goals and vision, this plan offers direction for development while preserving our community’s unique identity and values, as well as fostering collaboration and unity.

Our goal is for Amherst to grow in a way that is sustainable, inclusive and true to our character. By setting and achieving goals, our plan is intended to build pride in our accomplishments and foster optimism for the future.

Town of Amherst Strategic Plan – 2024-2028

The Strategic Plan is built around two Strategic Priorities:

Each of the Strategic Priorities is further expanded to include a set of Priority Outcomes, each with its own group of Strategic Initiatives.

pdf Access the full Town of Amherst Strategic Plan - 2024-2028 (8.66 MB)

2024 2028 Strat Plan Cover Page