Accessibility Tools

Amherst will be a prosperous, growing, vibrant, and welcoming community.

Priority Outcomes


Economic Growth

Opportunities are seized to promote and maximize growth and minimize barriers for new and exciting businesses to thrive.

Strategic Initiatives:

  • Collaborate with our economic development partners to host two economic development forums within four years. October 2025/27
  • Develop a plan and decide on the expansion of the industrial park. October 2025/27
  • Develop new marketing/branding strategies and materials to promote Amherst as an economic destination. December 2025
  • Identify barriers to business growth and create opportunities/incentives to overcome such barriers. December 2025
  • Consider environmental factors in all of our development decisions

Destination Community

By investing in infrastructure and hosting signature events, we will promote Amherst as the best place to live, work, and play, showcasing our unique culture, history, and location.

Strategic Initiatives:

  • Invest in infrastructure to host inclusive and accessible signature events that attract visitors and residents.
  • Develop a business case for a community market with input from partners. June 2025
  • Make a decision on the development of a new community centre (Rink, etc.). March 2025
  • Develop a branding strategy for Amherst as a destination community. December 2025
  • Develop a town beautification strategy that actively engages community participation. October 2025

Talent Attraction and Retention

Focus on attracting, developing, and retaining a skilled and diverse population to meet the needs of Amherst's growing economy.

Strategic Initiatives:

  • Develop a strategy to target specific demographics to move to Amherst. December 2025
  • Listen to and engage youth in the community to keep them here. Develop three new engagement opportunities for youth. June 2025
  • Work with community educators (e.g. NSCC) to provide programs/training customized to the needs of employers and the community. June 2027
  • Work with NS Health recruiters to attract health care professionals. March 2027

Housing Availability

We will deliver diverse housing opportunities, along the entire housing spectrum, to meet the needs of a growing workforce and to attract new residents.

Strategic Initiatives:

  • Streamline the development process to eliminate red tape and barriers to new developments. Adoption of new Municipal Planning Strategy. September 2025
  • Advertise Amherst strengths and opportunities to businesses and developers. (e.g. small town advantages, no commute, etc.)


Our commitment to the environment is embedded among strategic initiatives across our Economic Prosperity and Vibrant Community strategic priorities, including:

  • Consider environmental factors in all of our development decisions. (Economic Growth)
  • Ensure Amherst grows as an environmentally sustainable urban community. (Housing)
  • Advocate for the protection of the Chignecto Isthmus. (Safe Community)
  • Determine the feasibility of a new transit system ('A' Bus). October 2025 (Transportation)
  • Promote environmental initiatives to our town residents and businesses. (Engaged Community)