The rates below are per hour, plus HST
Early Time (6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.)
Sunday through Saturday
$75 / Holidays - $128
Fair Time (8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Monday through Friday
$99 / Holidays - $128
Prime Time (5 p.m. to midnight)
Sunday through Saturday and Holidays
Youth Time*
Sunday through Saturday and Holidays
*Youth Time rates Include
- Groups affiliated with Amherst Skating Club.
- Groups affiliated with another skating club.
- Groups affiliated with Skate Nova Scotia and/or Skate Canada who are 18 years old and younger.
- Groups affiliated with Cumberland County Minor Hockey.
- Groups affiliated with another minor hockey association.
- Groups affiliated with Hockey Nova Scotia or Hockey Canada who are 18 years old and younger.
- Groups affiliated with Ringette Nova Scotia.
- Groups affiliated with Ringette Canada who are 18 years old and younger.
- Community groups who don’t reside in the Town of Amherst and are 18 years old and younger.
Booking facilities
After hours facility contact 902-664-8774