The licensing of pets is managed through pdf Amherst’s Companion Animal By-law (5.44 MB) .
Page seven of the by-law outlines that residents of Amherst who own dogs must have their animals licensed annually by April 1.
Anyone who needs to renew a dog license or license a dog for the first time can come to Town Hall and visit our reception desk with proof of the animal’s rabies vaccination. The annual fee for a neutered/spayed dog license is $15 ($30 if the animal is not spayed/neutered) and the owner will be given a metal tag to be worn on the collar or harness.
A database is maintained of all licensed dogs in town. If the animal control officer picks up a loose dog and is able to reference the owner’s address through the Town Hall license database, that dog can be returned home instead of being impounded, which is much easier.
Cats can also be registered annually at Town Hall and issued a metal tag. There is no cost for feline registration, and this is voluntary.
Anyone with questions can call 902-667-3352 for more information about companion animal licensing.