Never forget your garbage day again! Download the mobile app "Cumberland County Solid Waste" in your App Store, or download the Amherst schedule below.
Collection Schedules
- CURRENT: pdf November 2024-March 2025 Amherst Solid Waste Collection Schedule (162 KB)
- UPCOMING: pdf April 2025-March 2026 Amherst Solid Waste Collection Schedule (1.17 MB)
Collection Zones
Amherst residents have all three solid waste streams (garbage, recycling, and compost) collected on the same day, once every two weeks. There are three different collection days, depending on where you live in town. Find your home on the Collection Zones Map to determine your collection day and week.
You can also check your bi-weekly collection day by visiting the Waste Collection Days interactive map. Search for your address, then click on your home where it appears on the map. The system will tell you your collection day and week.
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The Town of Amherst has a contract with Miller Waste Systems Inc. that includes:
- Three-stream collection of solid waste (garbage, recyclables, and organics)
- A spring and fall collection of leaf & yard waste
- Christmas tree collection in January
- Weekly organics collection in the summer
- Biweekly collection of one bulky item (washer, dryer, couch, chair, etc.).
Removed from the contract are the yearly special collection of bulky items, special collections for construction and demolition debris, and the second collection of Christmas trees in May.
What Does This Mean for Town of Amherst Residents?
Bulky Item Collection
Town of Amherst residents can place one bulky item out for collection on every collection day. Bulky items include furniture, mattresses and box springs, coffee tables, washers, dryers, stoves, fridges, etc. This does not include construction and demolition debris.
Construction and Demolition Materials (C&D)
Town of Amherst residents can include one bag of construction and demolition debris (wood, shingles, flooring, etc.) with their regular garbage, provided they do not exceed the 6-bag limit. For larger amounts of C&D, residents can take their materials to the Cumberland Central Landfill in Little Forks. For information about tipping fees call 902-597-2799.
Weekly Organics Collection
Town of Amherst residents will have weekly organics collection every year starting in July and continuing until September. Materials must be placed out for collection on your regular scheduled collection day.
Christmas Tree Collection
Christmas trees will be collected once a year in January. Town of Amherst residents can also take their tree to the Town Garage located on 14 McCully Street (Monday - Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm).
Dual-Stream Recycling
The Town of Amherst adopted a dual-stream approach to recycling in 2018. This means residents will use two separate plastic bags for recyclables: one for paper products, and another for recyclable containers.
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Access more information about solid waste services on our Frequently Asked Questions page.
For more information on this and other programs call 902-667-5141, or download the free "Cumberland County Solid Waste" mobile app by visiting your app store.
Solid Waste Education & Contract Coordinator: Brenda Rioux
Phone: 902-667-5141