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Community Policing

The goal of the Crime Prevention Officer is, in partnership with the community and other police officers, to prevent the occurrence of crime and to reduce the fear of crime amongst the citizens of Amherst. This is achieved by developing programs that increase public awareness, providing strategies that reduce the opportunities of crime (target hardening), and supporting high-risk groups such as seniors, youth, and victims of domestic violence.

Community-wide involvement is crucial for success. Community policing allows the department to partner with the citizens and different community organizations/groups, both public and private, to address local concerns. The objective is to develop long-term solutions to crime-related problems. It also involves partnerships with public and private social service providers, such as the Department of Education, the YMCA, and local businesses. Other community partners include the criminal justice system, concerned parents and students, social groups, and any other groups that can help identify and maintain solutions to the community's needs.

Programs / Special Events / Community Groups

The Crime Prevention Officer is involved with a number of programs, special events and community groups, including programs developed for elementary, junior high, and high school students, special events such as Police Week and Bicycle Rodeos, and volunteer groups. Although the Amherst Police Department has a dedicated Crime Prevention Officer, every member of the department shares the philosophy that crime prevention is an intricate part of policing and they work hand in hand with the Crime Prevention Officer and the community to administer and foster crime prevention strategies.

Sexual Assault Awareness Campaign

The Amherst Police Department is endorsing a campaign that sheds light on the crime of sexual assault. The "Don't be that guy" poster campaign was distributed in bars throughout the Amherst area in May as part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The Police Department partnered with the bar suspension committee to help spread the word on this important issue.

Some of the themes expressed in the posters are:

Sex without consent = Sexual Assault

Bar Suspension

If you misbehave in one bar and are banned from that establishment, all other participating partners will honour that suspension. Participating partners meet on the first Wednesday of each month to stay informed of any incidents that may have occurred within the last month. Each week, the Amherst Police Department delivers an updated "Barred Suspension List" to all the participating partners to keep them abreast of any new developments.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is a non-profit organization that seeks to stop impaired driving and support victims of this violent crime.

Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD)

SADD was formed in November 2002 by the Amherst Regional High School Teen Health Centre, Co-Operators Insurance, and the Amherst Police Department. Each year, SADD students attend the Canadian Youth Against Impaired Driving Conference held in different regions of Canada. In 2006, the Amherst chapter won the national prize for hosting the best NSAID Day (National Students Against Impaired Driving). This group plays an important role at the Amherst Regional High School by educating their peers on impaired driving, bridge jumping, and healthy sexual relationships. They have also contributed in supporting other high schools in Nova Scotia by starting their own groups.

Crime Stoppers

Crime Stoppers is an international, non-profit program, designed to involve the community in the battle against crime. It is a cooperative effort between citizens, police, and the media that provides a vehicle through which any citizen can report information that assists police in solving criminal offences. It provides a reward of up to $2000 for information which leads to the arrest of a criminal offender, while at the same time guaranteeing anonymity to the tipster. Your community is participating in this program through the Cumberland County Crime Stoppers Association.

Contact Information

Amherst Police Department 
Community Relations Officer
Ph: 902-667-7039 

School Liaison Program

The Amherst Police Department recognizes that the future of our society is in our youth. A full-time School Resource Officer position was established in 2009. For over 15 years Platoon Officers have been designated as School Liaison Officers for each school. The School Resource Officer is a position dedicated to the schools, while the School Liaison Officers perform General Patrol duties in addition to their School Liaison duties. The Resource and Liaison officers, in consultation with staff, students and parents, provide assistance to address any issues of concern and provide various programs to the school.

Silent Witness


To honour women who have lost their lives due to partner/spousal/common-law violence.


  • To raise awareness in Nova Scotia about domestic violence in our communities.
  • To involve families and communities in responding proactively to ending domestic violence.
  • To continue this work until there is no longer a need for Silent Witness Nova Scotia.

The first chapter in Nova Scotia was formed in February 2009. In February 2010, Cumberland Silent Witness made Nova Scotia’s first dedication of a woman who was killed by her husband on October 17, 1997.

Bicycle Rodeos And Helmet Safety

The APD hosts annual bike rodeos at the elementary schools to promote safety in their community and they also participate in "Noggin Knowledge," in partnership with the QEH Division of Neurosurgery. This program promotes the use, as well as the importance, of wearing helmets in all sporting activities.

Public Presentations

The Crime Prevention Officer also conducts talks and presentations to various businesses, organizations, groups in the Amherst area. Topics of discussion include:

  • Identity Theft
  • Internet Safety
  • Counterfeit Money
  • Frauds Against Seniors (home renovations, phone scams, mail fraud)
  • Bullying (Includes Internet Bullying)
  • Safe Driving for Youth (Fatal Vision)
  • Bicycle Safety

Contact Information

Amherst Police Department
Community Relations Officer
Ph: 902-667-6036