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Councillor Charlie Chambers


Charlie Chambers headshot B


Coun. Charlie Chambers moved to Amherst at the age of five. He grew up in Amherst, attending St. Charles Elementary School and Amherst Regional High School.

Upon graduation from high school, he joined the staff of the Amherst Daily News, rising to the position of sports editor. He worked about seven years at the paper before departing to work at the school for the deaf as a house parent for two years.

From 1990 to 1994, he attended the Nova Scotia Teachers College. Upon graduating from there, he returned to the community, spending the next 27 years teaching at Amherst Regional High School. There he taught every subject except French and science.

He retired in 2021, shortly after contracting COVID. Following his recovery, he continued being involved in education as a substitute teacher, which he has done for the past two years.

Chambers has also been very active as a volunteer basketball, softball and golf coach, having spent more than 20 years with each organization. He currently is an assistant coach with the ARHS boy’s team.

Married to Ruth Currie, they have a son, Oliver Black, and daughter-in-law, Andrea.

Chambers is looking forward to helping people bring their issues to town council and to working with the mayor, fellow councillors and town staff in order to help keep the Town of Amherst the thriving community that it is.



Committee of the Whole

Audit Committee

Planning Advisory Committee

Amherst Board of Police Commissioners


Expenses (Recurring)

Chambers Recurring Expenses

Expenses (Travel Claims)

Chambers 20240510 NSFM Spring Conference

Chambers 20231110 NSFM Fall Conference Halifax


Phone: 902-694-0283
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.