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The Gritty to Pretty Program encourages commercial building owners in Amherst to invest in beautification and streetscaping by providing matching grants to cover a portion of renovation costs. The program is delivered as a partnership between the Town of Amherst and the Cumberland Chamber of Commerce.

Funding is allocated on a case-by-case basis. The program will consider up to 50% of eligible costs, to a maximum of $3,000, with the balance coming from the applicant or other sources.

Eligible improvements may include signage, beautification fixtures, such as baskets, benches, bike racks and planters, lighting and repair or reconstruction of building facade, windows and doors.

All projects must be completed by Dec. 1, 2022, to receive reimbursement of expenses.

For more information and to apply, contact:

Cumberland Chamber of Commerce
5 Ratchford St., Amherst NS
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Download the  pdf 2022 Gritty to Pretty Design Guidelines and Information Package (6.03 MB) .