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Folder 2022 Media Releases

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default MR2022085 Amherst town council Dec 19, 2022, meeting highlights ( pdf, 205 KB )
default MR2022084 Fire destroys pumping station road home ( pdf, 358 KB )
default MR2022083 Cumberland region municipal units busy with health care recruitment, retention ( pdf, 226 KB )
default MR2022082 Amherst 28 Nov 22 council highlights ( pdf, 248 KB )
default MR2022081 Town of Amherst welcomes emergency shelter funding news ( pdf, 182 KB )
default MR2022080 Town of Amherst erects anti racism declaration in stadium ( pdf, 374 KB )
default MR2022079 Zonta Says No to violence against Women Day proclaimed ( pdf, 291 KB )
default MR2022078 Town to test new playground surface ( pdf, 182 KB )
pdf MR2022077 21 Nov 22 committee of the whole ( pdf, 196 KB )
default MR2022076 Amherst working to address housing issue ( pdf, 233 KB )
default MR2022075 Town congratulate marathoner Kaili van Vulpen for excellent finish at NYC marathon ( pdf, 332 KB )
default MR2022074 Amherst hires new land use planner ( pdf, 274 KB )
default MR2022073 Council accepts 2021 22 audited financial statements ( pdf, 177 KB )
default MR2022072 Brundage named Amherst's volunteer firefighter of the year ( pdf, 281 KB )
default MR2022071 Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Month proclaimed in Amherst ( pdf, 347 KB )
default MR2022070 Matt Selig accepts new challenge ( pdf, 264 KB )
default MR2022069 free mittens ( pdf, 306 KB )
default MR2022068 new trail encouragtes physical fitness ( pdf, 422 KB )
default MR2022067 Elevator repairs taking longer than expected ( pdf, 278 KB )
default MR2022066 Amherst calls on feds, provinces to take action to protect Isthmus of Chignecto ( pdf, 184 KB )
default MR2022065 Committee recommends flag policy amendment ( pdf, 175 KB )
default MR2022064 Major step taken towards affordable housing emergency shelter ( pdf, 185 KB )
default MR2022063 Saxby Gale ( pdf, 451 KB )
default MR2022062 Homelessness is not a crime says Amherst police chief ( pdf, 184 KB )
pdf MR2022061 Amherst proclaims October to be Disability Employment Awareness Month ( pdf, 257 KB )
pdf MR2022060 Water tanks inspected ( pdf, 314 KB )
pdf MR2022059 AYTC appointments ( pdf, 192 KB )
pdf MR2022058 Council makes year end adjustments ( pdf, 204 KB )
pdf MR2022057 Town of Amherst undergoes reorganization, salary review ( pdf, 197 KB )
pdf MR2022056 Council gives first reading to development agreement ( pdf, 180 KB )
pdf MR2022055 Amherst proclaims Sept 30, 2022, as National Truth and Reconciliation Day ( pdf, 288 KB )
pdf MR2022054 Amherst town council approves amendment to police commission bylaw ( pdf, 176 KB )
pdf MR2022053 Amherst proclaims Sept 26, 2022, as Medic Monday ( pdf, 297 KB )
pdf MR2022052 Hurricane Fiona expected to affect Amherst and area ( pdf, 502 KB )
pdf MR2022051 Estherfest ( pdf, 284 KB )
pdf Mr2022050 Skatepark upgrades ( pdf, 467 KB )
pdf MR2022049 New planters helping Amherst become a greener community ( pdf, 335 KB )
pdf MR2022048 New T ball field supported by Amherst town council ( pdf, 231 KB )
pdf MR2022047 Stormwater management study ( pdf, 181 KB )
pdf MR2022046 Victoria Square to be lit up in blue to support Prostate Cancer Awareness Month ( pdf, 228 KB )
pdf MR2022045 FASD Awareness Month 2022 proclaimed in Amherst ( pdf, 283 KB )
pdf MR2022044 Amherst taking steps to make parks accessible to all ( pdf, 263 KB )
pdf MR2022043 Emancipation Day statement ( pdf, 342 KB )
pdf MR2022042 Firefighters help make wish come true ( pdf, 529 KB )
pdf MR2022041 Deputy Mayor Sheila Christie resigns ( pdf, 233 KB )
pdf MR2022040 Active Transportation Plan succeeding, hindered by a few ( pdf, 454 KB )
pdf MR2022039 Council approves purchase of aerial fire truck, awards paving tender ( pdf, 181 KB )
pdf MR2022038 June 27, 2022 council news briefs ( pdf, 195 KB )
pdf MR2022037 Amherst Police Department donates unclaimed bikes to Bridge Adult Service Centre ( pdf, 360 KB )
document MR2022036 Pride Week 2022 proclaimed in Amherst ( docx, 1.51 MB )
pdf MR2022035 town sets tax rate, operating, capital budgets ( pdf, 197 KB )
pdf MR2022034 Amherst proclaims June 8, 2022 as World Oceans Day ( pdf, 285 KB )
pdf MR2022033 Accessibility Advisory Committee launches survey ( pdf, 222 KB )
pdf MR2022032 Town of Amherst proclaims Access Awareness Week ( pdf, 289 KB )
pdf MR2022031 council gives first reading to amendment, development agreement ( pdf, 208 KB )
pdf MR2022030 VON Week 2022 proclaimed in Town of Amherst ( pdf, 281 KB )
pdf MR2022029 Committee recommends changing name of Lord Amherst Drive ( pdf, 171 KB )
pdf MR2022028 news briefs from May 16, 2022, committee of the whole meeting ( pdf, 248 KB )
pdf MR2022027 International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia proclaimed ( pdf, 278 KB )
pdf MR2022026 Cenotaph restoration ( pdf, 532 KB )
pdf MR2022025 Fire sends two to hospital, destroys home ( pdf, 363 KB )
pdf MR2022024 Council opposes non resident provincial property tax ( pdf, 276 KB )
pdf MR2022023 Town seeks funding from province for storm water management study ( pdf, 178 KB )
pdf MR2022022 Town seeks more information on proposed wind energy project ( pdf, 187 KB )
pdf MR2022021 consultant for community centre feasibility study hired ( pdf, 264 KB )
pdf MR2022020 Lyme Disease Awareness Month proclaimed in the Town of Amherst ( pdf, 316 KB )
pdf MR2022019 Paul Calder named Amherst's 2022 volunteer of the year ( pdf, 453 KB )
pdf MR2022018 news briefs from 25 April 22 council meeting ( pdf, 228 KB )
pdf MR2022017 Committee recommends agendment to policy ( pdf, 226 KB )
pdf MR2022016 Sierra Leone exodus ( pdf, 358 KB )
pdf MR2022015 Fire damages building, destroys van ( pdf, 238 KB )
pdf MR2022014 April proclaimed Autism Acceptance Month in Amherst ( pdf, 268 KB )
pdf MR2022013 Town launches Plan Amherst ( pdf, 213 KB )
pdf MR2022012 28 March 22 Amherst council news briefs ( pdf, 235 KB )
pdf MR2022011 21 March 22 committee of the whole news briefs ( pdf, 185 KB )
pdf MR2022010 French Toast Festival March 26 April 2 ( pdf, 295 KB )
pdf MR2022009 Amherst getting greener, takes possession of electric powered Zamboni ( pdf, 440 KB )
pdf MR2022008 Amherst repeals its COVID 19 vaccination policy ( pdf, 178 KB )
pdf MR2022007 Feb 2022 council news briefs ( pdf, 211 KB )
pdf MR2022006 Jeffery Bacon named Amherst's new business development officer ( pdf, 317 KB )
pdf MR2022005 Fire Department, Public Works seeks public help in ensuring everyone's safety ( pdf, 229 KB )
pdf MR2022004 African Heritage Month proclaimed in the Town of Amherst ( pdf, 293 KB )
pdf MR2022003 Town, Lions club sign memorandum of understanding ( pdf, 351 KB )
pdf MR2022002 Public input to be sought on size of Amherst town council ( pdf, 257 KB )
pdf MR2022001 2022 Walking Challenge ( pdf, 372 KB )
pdf Cumberland Central Landfill sale complete ( pdf, 155 KB )