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The Town of Amherst and the Municipality of Cumberland County are collaborating to ensure efficient use of municipal infrastructure and to support residential housing development today and in the future.

A parcel of land in the Brookdale area that straddles the border between the two municipalities acquired by the Shaw Group and has the potential to accommodate hundreds of new housing units, but the municipal boundary makes efficient development of the site complex.

Under the agreement reached by the two municipalities, the full property would become part of the Town of Amherst, allowing for the development of the property under one set of regulations and much less complex. In return, the County will gain new access to the Town’s sanitary sewer servicing capacity to support future development in an expanded service area in Cumberland County just outside the town boundary. The agreement further outlines how costs and revenues, associated with extension of services, and new developments, will be shared between the two municipalities.

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Amherst Mayor David Kogon (front left) signs the new intermunicipal services agreement into effect with Municipality of Cumberland Mayor Murray Scott, joined by Amherst's Kim Jones and Cumberland's Greg Herrett.

Cumberland County Mayor Murray Scott said: “We’ve always believed in regional cooperation for the betterment of our communities. This is another example where our administrations and councils have identified what appears to be a commonsense solution to overcome hurdles that needlessly frustrate progress toward much needed residential development in both municipalities.”

Amherst Mayor David Kogon noted: “Progressive municipalities recognize that new and better ways to facilitate growth are necessary. Finding ways to stimulate investment and support development otherwise frustrated by lines on the map need to be found and implemented. Collaborating with our neighbors when it makes sense for all is good for our communities. We think we’ve done that with this agreement.”

The agreement was approved by Town and County councils at special council meetings earlier this week. The agreement sets out a number of conditions to be met by both units, leading to the filing of an application for mutual boundary change for the parcel.

Dr. David Kogon, Mayor, Town of Amherst, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Murray Scott, Mayor Municipality of Cumberland, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.