AMHERST, Nova Scotia – On Monday night, Council approved the revised Poverty Reduction Advisory Committee Terms of Reference for the Town of Amherst, which will include a committee comprised of staff, Council, and community stakeholders who can best support the Town of Amherst action plan on poverty reduction.
The Intermunicipal Poverty Reduction Advisory Committee was established in 2020 and was comprised of three municipal units and community representatives from across the county. After months of research, consultation with stakeholders and discussions, a strategic plan was formulated and adopted by each municipality in May/June 2023, which itemized key actionable goals that could be worked on individually or collectively moving forward.
It has become clear that the implementation of the specific actions of the plan are very localized in nature, and best achieved by each individual municipal unit and their local partners. As such, the three municipal units will be implementing the plan individually. This being said, in areas of mutual interest, staff and councils of the three municipal units will continue to stay in contact, share ideas and collaborate to achieve the best outcomes for our collective area.
North Tyndal Wellfield Land Acquisition
The Town is continuing on its mission to acquire land in the area of the North Tyndal Wellfield, to grow the Town’s wellfield protection zone. At Monday’s Council meeting, the purchase of a 110-acre parcel of woodland in the Tidnish River area was approved, for the price of $99,000, plus any applicable taxes and closing costs. This parcel abuts two parcels already owned by the Town, and the purchase will be fully funded through the Nature Challenge Fund, from Nova Scotia’s Department of Environment and Climate Control.
Water Utility Dump Truck Purchase
An amendment was approved for the 2023/24 Water Utility Capital Budget that will include $355,000 from the water depreciation fund for the purchase of a dump truck for the Amherst Water Utility. A reliable dump truck is an essential part of ensuring the safety and integrity of the Town’s water distribution system, as it is used on a regular basis for a variety of tasks. This new dump truck will replace a 14-year-old vehicle. At a cost of $339,500 plus applicable taxes, the contract has been awarded to Nova Truck Centres.
Appointment of Development Officer
Torben Laux was recently hired by the Town as a Land Use Planner, and on Monday night, he was appointed by Council as a Development Officer for the Town of Amherst. As set out in the Municipal Government Act: A council shall appoint a development officer to administer its land-use by-law and subdivision by-law. Laux will play an important role in the processing of development applications as the Town continues to focus on growing its housing stock.
Direct enquiries to:
Sean Payne
Communications Officer