Accessibility Tools

At Monday night’s regular meeting of Council, members approved a number of recommendations in preparation for the upcoming municipal election, including fully electronic voting to be delivered by Intelivote Systems Inc. As was conducted in 2020 and for a special election in 2023, Amherst will not use paper ballots when citizens select their candidates for Mayor and Council this fall.

A full electronic method of voting uses internet and telephone options exclusively, which has been embraced by Nova Scotia municipalities. Electronic voting reduces barriers and generally results in increased voter participation rates, while also coming in at a lower cost than a paper ballot election. Voter assistance is provided during business hours at Town Hall, from the beginning of the advance polling period on October 10 to the close of voting on regular election poll day, October 19, 2024.

Kimberlee Jones was appointed as the Returning Officer – having delivered undisputed elections for the Town of Amherst since 1997 – with Natalie LeBlanc appointed as the Assistant Returning Officer.

Development Agreement Receives Second Reading

A development agreement for 15 and 31 East Victoria Street was given a second reading on Monday night, after receiving the first reading on January 23. This development agreement will allow for a six-storey mixed-use building in the downtown core containing between 52 and 62 dwelling units, in addition to the already-approved 3-storey, 24-unit apartment building on three abutting properties bordered by East Victoria Street, Maple Avenue, and Electric Street.

An advertised public participation opportunity was held on January 3, 2024, and members of the public in attendance were in support of the project. On January 8, the Planning Advisory Committee recommended that Council enter into this Development Agreement. And, at a public hearing held on February 8, the public again expressed support for the project.

Town to Provide Grants Via Donated Funds

Council approved a request to receive a donation from the Dr. & Mrs. Christie Community Foundation in the amount of $35,250, which will be distributed in the form of grants to specified community organizations. There will be no financial implications for the Town in these transactions because the grants will be fully offset by the donation.

  • $18,000 to the Amherst Little League towards the cost of scoreboards or sound systems at their two main fields;
  • $2,000 to the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 10 towards signage commemorating the Cumberland portion of the route of the battalion march of the North Nova Scotia Highlanders Regiment from Amherst in World War II;
  • $2,500 to the Amherst Pre-School Association to assist with their annual rent so they can maintain the affordability of their program; and
  • $12,750 to the Cumberland County Minor Hockey Association towards the cost of development camps.

Amendments to Two Town of Amherst Administration Policies

Following a review of the Finance Department and Human Resources and Customer Service Department’s internal structures, changes were identified that will enhance service delivery.

On Monday night, Council approved amendments to the Salary Administration Policy that will allow for the addition of a Manager of Financial Services position. The addition of this position will allow for several staff members to be moved from Human Resources to a more appropriate designation under the Finance Department, reporting directly to the department’s new Management position.

The Manager of Financial Services salary and benefits will be accommodated within the 2024/25 operating budget.

Amendments were also approved for the Employment Equity Policy. This policy supports and reinforces the Town of Amherst’s commitment to being a more welcoming and inclusive community and workplace. The review of this policy was undertaken as part of the Town’s ongoing policy review process, and changes relate to specific phrasing within guiding principles as an equal opportunity employer, clarifying an individual’s rights to equity in the workplace.