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At Monday night’s regular meeting of Council, an agreement was approved with the Springhill Coal Miners Senior Hockey team for ice time in Amherst for the 2024/25 season, and the Mayor and CAO were authorized to sign on behalf of the Town.

An initial one-year contract will follow the same structure and fees as those recently negotiated with the Amherst Junior “A” Ramblers Hockey Club.

The Coal Miners’ new owners will be engaging with the community to determine a new team name and branding to reflect the team’s move.

Water Utility Capital Budget Amendment

Council approved the addition of $275,000 to this year’s Water Utility Capital Budget for potential land purchases, to be funded by the Nova Scotia Environment and Climate Change grant. The Town of Amherst has participated in this program for the past four years, which has allowed the Water Utility to purchase land with costs fully funded by the grant.

With this new two-year agreement approved by Council in May between the Town and Nova Scotia Environment and Climate Change, the Capital Budget required amendment to authorize potential expenditures for this project.

At $275,000 per year, the grants will allow potential land purchases with the sole purpose of environmental and habitat protection. The North Tyndal Wellfield Groundwater Zone has significant environmental implications as well as social health implications, as it protects the Town’s drinking water supply from contamination and pollution. 

Auxiliary Policing Officer By-Law

On Monday night, Council gave second reading to the new Auxiliary Police Officer By-Law, which is designed to allow the Chief of Police to appoint auxiliary police officers to assist the police department with the performance of its duties.

Management and staff of the Amherst Police Department have received support from the Amherst Board of Police Commissioners to create this auxiliary program, which is an idea that has been discussed several times over the years.

Any community members who volunteer in this capacity will be required to meet the same criteria that applies to police officers, including criminal background checks; and, once appointed, they are subject to the same code of conduct as police officers and disciplinary actions under the Police Act.

This new program will benefit both the Amherst Police Department and our community as a whole.

Vacation/Holiday Policy Amendments

Council approved amendments to adjust the schedule of vacation allotments for non union staff as well as providing clarification on vacation accumulation when staff are on various types of approved leave.

These amendments ensure the Town remains competitive in the market.

Blaine Street Agreement of Purchase and Sale

In May of 2023, Council entered into an Agreement of Purchase and Sale with Black Bay Real Estate Group to sell the lands formerly known as Blaine Street (105 South Albion Street) for a multi-unit residential development. The agreement required that construction of at least one residential building commence within 12 months of a development agreement being approved, which would be January 2025.

Due to unforeseen delays in completing the property transaction, the purchaser has requested that this requirement be extended to 2026.

Council approved an amendment to the Agreement of Purchase and Sale with Black Bay Real Estate Group that now requires a foundation of at least one residential building be poured in 2026, and authorized the Mayor and CAO to execute the necessary agreements.

Amherst Youth Town Council

Involving youth in the community adds value to youth development; it empowers young people to be active participants in the community through positive engagement. The Amherst Youth Town Council also provides Council with a youth perspective on issues pertaining to the youth in Amherst.

At the regular meeting of Council on Monday night, the following Amherst Youth Town Councl members were reappointed for the 2024/25 school year: Kennedy Newman, Harmoni Caldwell, Ava Crocker, Leah Brunt, Mathias Mayhew, Peter Sigtryggson and Allison Jones.

Full details of the Council meeting are available on our website, in the agenda package.

Direct enquiries to:
Sean Payne
Corporate Communications Officer