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At Amherst Town Council’s regular meeting on Monday night, the 2024-2025 Water and General Capital Budget was approved. Totalling just over $4.9 million, the budgets will fund projects in every department – from replacing vehicles to paving streets. A separate media release will be issued that speaks in detail about the 2024-2025 Water and General Capital Budget.

Citizen Appointments to Committees of Council

Council appointed a number of citizens to committee roles. The following appointments include:

  • Accessibility Advisory Committee: Justin McKay was reappointed for a two-year term effective April 1, 2024, to March 31, 2026.
  • Amherst Board of Police Commissioners: Sandy Fairbanks was reappointed for a one-year term effective April 1, 2024, to March 31, 2025; and, Angela Ryan Bourgeois was reappointed for a two-year term effective April 1, 2024, to March 31, 2026. Staff will readvertise seeking applications to fill the third vacancy for this committee.
  • North Tyndal Wellfield Advisory Committee: Keith Thompson was reappointed for a one-year term effective April 1, 2024, to March 31, 2025.
  • Planning Advisory Committee: Jim Lamplugh was reappointed for a two-year term effective April 1, 2024, to March 31, 2026.
  • Poverty Reduction Advisory Committee: Mason Byer and Cynthia Dyke were both appointed for one-year terms effective April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025.
  • Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Committee: Mason Byer was appointed for a one-year term effective April 1, 2024, to March 31, 2025.

Provincial Volunteer Awards

Earlier this year a call was issued to nominate community volunteers deserving of special recognition. All nominated individuals will be celebrated by the Town at an event on April 18, 2024 – more details to come on this event.

From the nominations received, the Town of Amherst is eligible to submit nominees for Provincial Volunteer Awards – Family, Adult and Youth Volunteers of the Year – who will be recognized at the Nova Scotia ceremony. Nominations were received for the Adult and Youth categories. On Monday night, Council nominated Terry McManaman as the Amherst Volunteer of the Year, and Kiahna Brennan as the Youth Volunteer of the Year.

Basic Income Guarantee Resolution

In September of 2022, Amherst Town Council passed a motion to have the Mayor send a letter of support to the Prime Minister on Basic Income Guarantee, resulting from a resolution passed at the Atlantic Mayors’ Congress in June of that year. To ensure Amherst’s support is included with other Nova Scotia municipalities, Council approved the registration of the Mayor’s 2022 letter of support with Basic Income Nova Scotia.

Approval of Several Agreements

On Monday night, Council approved several agreements that will facilitate the provision of various services to members of the community.

The Cumberland YMCA Contribution Agreement was approved, which will see the Town of Amherst enter into a new five-year funding agreement with the facility. This new agreement ensures the Town will be provided with a number of reporting requirements and a seat on the YMCA Board for a member of Amherst Town Council. The Town’s contribution over the five-year term will be $121,210 per year, adjusted annually for inflation.

The Amherst Stadium Concession Agreement was approved, between Dwayne Ripley and the Town of Amherst, after receiving only one response to an RFP issued by Town staff. This response was received from Mr. Ripley, who has operated the canteen since December 2022. The agreement will see Mr. Ripley operate the canteen for a new three-year term ending on August 31, 2027. The total rent for the first year of the agreement totals $7,182.64 plus HST. Future-year rental rates are increased on average by 2.7% annually.

Council approved the renewal of the lease agreement between the Cumberland Regional Library and the Town of Amherst, which will see the organization continue to lease space on the second floor of the Four Fathers Memorial Library for use as its head office. The Amherst branch of the library is located on the main floor of the building in a space provided by the Town of Amherst at no cost to the branch. The library will pay a monthly lease for its 1,962 square feet of dedicated second-floor space of $2,644 plus HST from April 1, 2024, to March 31, 2025.

Council also approved the renewal of a five-year lease agreement with the owner of 10 Havelock Street to lease a portion of the park space at 12 Havelock Street for the purpose of a walkway and a ground sign.