Council approved the 2024 list of Community Support Grant recipients on Monday night, numbering 30. Expenditures include $113,500 from the Community Support Grants budget, $50,000 from the social equity fund, and $35,000 from social equity reserves for In The Works.
A separate media release is being prepared to share this news in greater detail.
Second Reading for Two Residential Projects
Two residential construction projects received second reading on Monday night. With the development agreement approved for a 20-acre portion of the property at 305 Church Street, a residential development will be permitted, containing a full range of housing types from single detached dwellings to cluster housing and apartment buildings.
One of the main elements of this proposal is to test unique development types that are affordable or attainable, and that promote social cohesion. Approval of this development agreement aligns with Council’s strategic priority to address the supply of suitable and affordable housing.
The next residential project to receive second reading on Monday night was the amendment of a bylaw to change the zoning of 11 and 13 Industrial Park Drive from Highway Commercial to Mini Home Zone. With this change, a residential development will be allowed on the property containing approximately 18 mobile homes.
Nova Scotia Nature Agreement
As a result of an initial four-year funding agreement with the province, as part of a Federal program designed to protect 30% of Canada’s lands by 2030, the Town of Amherst was able to acquire 1,120 acres of land in and around the North Tyndal Wellfield. These acquisitions protect not only the Town’s drinking water by also an ecologically important land bridge between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.
On Monday night, Council approved a two-year extension of the Nova Scotia Nature Agreement with the province that will provide $550,000 in funding to acquire additional lands for protection at no capital cost to the Town.
Amendments to the Street Banner Policy
A formal policy was adopted by Council in June 2023 to manage the program of displaying street banners that recognize and celebrate holidays as well as support community organizations. This policy also outlines the procedure and ensures all organizations are aware of the capabilities and limitations for displaying street banners, including the need to obtain a memorandum of understanding when requests are made to hang banners.
In response to the Cumberland Acadian Society’s request to display street banners in August recognizing Acadian Day, Council approved an amendment to the Street Banner Policy (Appendix A) to add Acadian Day, as well as approve the Cumberland Acadian Society MOU with the Town to hang banners per the policy.
Capital Paving Tender
In response to a tender issued with a closing date of April 26, 2024, two bids were received for the capital paving program. On Monday night, Council passed a motion awarding the Capital Paving Tender to the lowest compliant bidder, Costin Paving and Contracting Ltd., in the total amount of $841,750 plus HST.
The capital paving program for the 2024/25 fiscal year was approved by Council in the Capital Budget and awarding of the tender at this time will allow for timely completion of the work.
Auxiliary Policing Bylaw
A new bylaw received first reading on Monday night that is designed to allow the creation of an auxiliary policing program for the Amherst Police Department. Section 91 of the Nova Scotia Police Act requires a bylaw in order for the Chief of Police to appoint auxiliary officers to assist the police department with the performance of its duties.
Once appointed and trained, these auxiliary officers are limited to acting only when accompanied by and under the supervision of a police officer.
The idea of creating an auxiliary policing program for the APD has been discussed several times over the years. Any community members who volunteer in this capacity will be required to meet the same criteria that applies to police officers, including criminal background checks; and, once appointed, they are subject to the same code of conduct as police officers and disciplinary actions under the Police Act.
This new program will benefit both the Amherst Police Department and our community as a whole.
Appointment to the Amherst Board of Police Commissioners
After recent advertisement to replace three citizen members of the Amherst Board of Police Commissioners, applications were received from Sandy Fairbanks and Angela Ryan. Sandy was re-appointed to a one-year term, and Angela was appointed for a two-year term. A third application was received after another round of advertising and, on Monday night, Council appointed Caprice Barbour to the Amherst Board of Police Commissioners, effective May 27, 2024 to March 31, 2025.
Active Living Strategy
Replacing Amherst’s 2017 Physical Activity Strategic Plan, Council made a motion on Monday night to approve a new five-year comprehensive plan to encourage people to move more and for Amherst to become a healthier community overall.
This new plan was developed by the Town’s department of Community Living in collaboration with the Nova Scotia Department of Culture, Communities, Heritage and Tourism, who awarded a grant used to develop a new strategic direction. A committee was struck to identify key pillars of focus for the plan, and community feedback was incorporated into the process.
The strategic plan has special emphasis placed on all aspects of accessibility, inclusion, and equity, to ensure these considerations are at the forefront of this guiding document.
Full details of the Council meeting are available on our website, in the agenda package.
Direct enquiries to:
Sean Payne
Corporate Communications Officer