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Amherst Police Department

A 59-year-old Amherst man has been arrested and remanded in relation to a break-and-enter at the Amherst Cemetery that was discovered on the morning of June 20th, 2024.

On June 20th at approximately 7:00 a.m., Police responded to a complaint that someone had broken into various buildings at the Cemetery and that various tools, lawn equipment and other items had been stolen. Shortly afterwards, Police received a call concerning a male in the Croft Street area who fled the area leaving some tools behind. The tools were located and confirmed to be from the cemetery break-and-enter. Police were able to identify the male who had possession of the tools.

As a result of further information, police executed a search warrant at a residence and property on Albion Street. During the search, additional items from the break-and-enter were located as well as other properties. Donald Arthur Pipes, aged 59 has been charged with:

  • 348(1)(a) CC - Break and Enter
  • 354(1)(a) CC - Possession of Property Obtained by Crime under $5000

Pipes was later located, arrested and remanded into custody. He is scheduled to appear in court on June 24th, 2024 to answer to the charges. The matter is still under investigation.

The Amherst Police would like to thank the public for their assistance in this matter as we and our police partners often rely on assistance from the public, especially in regard to information on matters that impact community safety and well-being. Anyone with information related to these, or other incidents is asked to contact the Amherst Police Department at 667-8600 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).

APD Media Contact:
Cpl. Tom Wood
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