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Folder 2019 Media Releases

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pdf MR2019095 Christmas Day fire ( pdf, 202 KB )
pdf MR2019094 Charges laid following fatal fire ( pdf, 173 KB )
pdf MR2019093 Police, fire department investigate suspicious fires ( pdf, 156 KB )
pdf MR2019092 Amherst Windows first to take advantage of Commercial Development Support Bylaw ( pdf, 473 KB )
pdf MR2019091 Porter appointed interim business development officer ( pdf, 173 KB )
pdf MR2019090 News briefs from Dec 16 Amherst council and committee of the whole meetings ( pdf, 184 KB )
pdf Mr2019089 Town accepting Community Support Grant applications ( pdf, 129 KB )
pdf MR2019088 Eileen Davage town's new culture, events and marketing co ordinator ( pdf, 314 KB )
pdf MR2019087 Deputy town clerk helps alma mater ( pdf, 315 KB )
pdf MR2019086 Amherst Heritage Trust receives $1,485 community support grant ( pdf, 295 KB )
pdf MR2019085 Nov 25, 2019 council briefs ( pdf, 190 KB )
pdf MR2019084 Cookie Crawl expanded ( pdf, 327 KB )
pdf MR2019083 Deuville finds home with APD ( pdf, 239 KB )
pdf MR2019082 MacKenzie joines APD as full time officer ( pdf, 238 KB )
pdf MR2019081 New full time police officer hired ( pdf, 229 KB )
pdf MR2019080 18 Nov 19 committee of the whole news briefs ( pdf, 189 KB )
document MR2019079 Community Well Being Manager hired ( docx, 1.79 MB )
pdf MR2019078 Municipal Awareness Week proclaimed ( pdf, 272 KB )
pdf MR2019077 Christmas Parade route ( pdf, 180 KB )
pdf MR2019076 Christie Park being refurbished ( pdf, 406 KB )
pdf MR2019075 28 Oct 19 Council news briefs ( pdf, 185 KB )
pdf MR2019074 Canada Career Month proclaimed ( pdf, 273 KB )
pdf MR2019073 COW news briefs ( pdf, 184 KB )
pdf MR2019072 Demolition 23 Spring St ( pdf, 319 KB )
pdf MR2019071 Demolition 2 Industrial Park Dr ( pdf, 198 KB )
pdf MR2019070 Demolition of 59 Church St ( pdf, 337 KB )
pdf MR2019069 Demolition of 196 Victoria St E ( pdf, 352 KB )
pdf MR2019068 Town receives 4 bloom rating ( pdf, 286 KB )
pdf MR2019067 Amherst recreation department getting makeover ( pdf, 179 KB )
pdf MR2019066 Medic Monday ( pdf, 227 KB )
pdf MR2019065 Amherst marketing video named best in Canada ( pdf, 261 KB )
pdf MR2019064 Aaron Graham promoted to sergeant in major crime unit ( pdf, 273 KB )
pdf MR2019063 Amherst ends 2018 19 fiscal year with surplus and other news briefs ( pdf, 190 KB )
pdf MR2019062 Mayor proclaims Right to Know Week ( pdf, 260 KB )
pdf MR2019061 News briefs from 16 Sept 19 COW meeting ( pdf, 193 KB )
pdf MR2019060 Zonta Week proclaimed in Amherst ( pdf, 292 KB )
pdf MR2019059 Archway Insurance, Ultramar to sponsor 2nd annual A Fest ( pdf, 332 KB )
pdf MR2019058 Hurrican Dorian ( pdf, 206 KB )
pdf MR2019057 Prostate Cancer Month proclamation ( pdf, 245 KB )
pdf MR2019056 Acadian Flags to fly over Amherst ( pdf, 292 KB )
pdf MR2019055 Fire destroys Church St home ( pdf, 342 KB )
pdf MR2019054 Elmwood Drive fire ( pdf, 261 KB )
pdf MR2019053 Demolition of 16 Prince Arthur Street ( pdf, 402 KB )
pdf MR2019052 Demolition of 1 Spring St ( pdf, 382 KB )
pdf MR2019051 Brian Gairns promoted to staff sergeant ( pdf, 261 KB )
pdf MR2019050 Community Support Grant cheques presented by council ( pdf, 370 KB )
pdf MR2019049 Official opening of Lions Park washroom changeroom ( pdf, 279 KB )
pdf MR2019048 Town funds regional tourism strategy ( pdf, 180 KB )
pdf MR2019047 Town of Amherst CUPE Local 1233 agree to contract extension (003) ( pdf, 220 KB )
pdf MR2019046 News briefs from 24 June 19 council session ( pdf, 188 KB )
pdf MR2019045 Amherst declares climate emergency ( pdf, 209 KB )
pdf MR2019044 Paving tender awarded ( pdf, 186 KB )
pdf MR2019043 Indigenous Peoples Day Proclamation 2019 ( pdf, 266 KB )
pdf MR2019042 A Fresh spring award winners ( pdf, 284 KB )
pdf MR2019041 Tim Hunter appointed deputy police chief ( pdf, 271 KB )
pdf MR2019040 Town recognized by Support 4 Sports ( pdf, 275 KB )
pdf MR2019039 Pride proclamation ( pdf, 284 KB )
pdf MR2019038 fire simulator like the real thing ( pdf, 315 KB )
pdf MR2019037 Bill Schurman resignation ( pdf, 238 KB )
pdf MR2019036 27 May 19 council news briefs ( pdf, 189 KB )
pdf MR2019035 A Fresh start 2019 June ( pdf, 181 KB )
pdf MR2019034 community better challenge ( pdf, 269 KB )
pdf MR2019033 21 May 19 Special coucil session ( pdf, 188 KB )
pdf MR2019032 VON Week 2019 proclaimed by deputy mayor V2 ( pdf, 307 KB )
pdf MR2019031 Amherst sets capital budget tax rates ( pdf, 194 KB )
pdf MR2019030 Street sweeper sure sign of spring ( pdf, 372 KB )
pdf MR2019029 Town sets water utlity budget, sewer rates ( pdf, 217 KB )
pdf MR2019028 Lyme Diseases Awareness Month proclamation ( pdf, 277 KB )
pdf MR2019027 April 23 COW news briefs ( pdf, 188 KB )
pdf MR2019026 Industrial Park 2 ( pdf, 544 KB )
pdf MR2019025 Volunteers honoured ( pdf, 292 KB )
pdf MR2019024 Flag raised to honour, thank first responders ( pdf, 334 KB )
pdf MR2019023 potholes ( pdf, 513 KB )
pdf MR2019022 First responders proclamation ( pdf, 282 KB )
pdf MR2019021 fire department rehab tent ( pdf, 415 KB )
pdf MR2019020 March 25 council briefs ( pdf, 188 KB )
pdf MR2019019 French toast fest ( pdf, 277 KB )
pdf MR2019018 Pike named Amherst police chief ( pdf, 265 KB )
pdf MR2019017 Flags lowered to half mast as sign of respect for fallen Truro firefighter ( pdf, 236 KB )
pdf MR2019016 Stadium parking ( pdf, 236 KB )
pdf MR2019015 Purple Day ( pdf, 257 KB )
pdf MR2019014 A Fresh applications 2019 ( pdf, 184 KB )
pdf MR2019013 John McLean flags half mast ( pdf, 166 KB )
pdf MR2019012 Water boil advisory lifted ( pdf, 126 KB )
pdf MR2019011 Town supports BB teams with comunity support grant ( pdf, 256 KB )
pdf MR2019010 News briefs from 25 Feb council session ( pdf, 202 KB )
pdf MR2019009 Volunteers of the Year 2019 ( pdf, 276 KB )
pdf MR2019008 Via Rail station deal finalized ( pdf, 393 KB )
pdf MR2019007 Athletic Achievers ( pdf, 556 KB )
pdf MR2019006 Family Violence Prevention Week ( pdf, 267 KB )
pdf MR2019005 Curling club receives community support grant ( pdf, 270 KB )
pdf MR2019004 Jan 28 council news briefs ( pdf, 193 KB )
pdf MR2019003 Amherst proclaims African Heritage Month ( pdf, 235 KB )
document MR2019002 Committee of the Whole Jan 21 news briefs ( docx, 725 KB )
pdf MR2019001 258 RCSCC receive cheque ( pdf, 282 KB )