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Deputy Mayor

Councillor Hal Davidson was elected deputy mayor of the Town of Amherst at Monday’s council meeting. Davidson, who was first elected to council in 2020 and re-elected in October 2024, will serve a one-year term.

Council Committee Appointments

Following a municipal election, Mayor and members of Council must be formally appointed to a number of committees. All members of Council are appointed to the Committee of the Whole of Amherst Town Council, as well as the Amherst Audit Committee. The following appointments were also approved by a motion of Council, effective November 25, 2024, and expiring on October 31, 2025 (unless otherwise noted):

Mayor Small: GFL Community Liaison Committee; Regional Emergency Management; and, Tyndal Wellfield Advisory Committee.

Councillor Chambers: Amherst Board of Police Commissioners (expiring October 31, 2027); Planning Advisory Committee; and, YMCA Board of Directors.

Councillor Davidson: Amherst Board of Police Commissioners (expiring October 31, 2026); and, Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Committee.

Councillor Furlong: Amherst Board of Police Commissioners (expiring October 31, 2027); Northern Region Solid Waste Committee; and, Regional Emergency Management.

Councillor McManaman: Accessibility Advisory Committee; Cumberland Public Libraries Board; Planning Advisory Committee; and, Tyndal Wellfield Advisory Committee.

Councillor Ripley: Intermunicipal Tourism Committee; and, Planning Advisory Committee.

Councillor Wells: Accessibility Advisory Committee; Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Committee; and, Senior Safety Advisory Committee.

Code of Conduct for Municipal Elected Officials

In January 2022, the Code of Conduct Working Group was established by the province, to develop a set of recommendations on the code of conduct framework. The new framework came into effect following the October 2024 municipal elections. On Monday night, Council approved the new Code of Conduct for Elected Municipal Officials Policy and repealed the Town’s former policy #10350-20 Code of Conduct.

Christie Foundation Donation

Council approved a donation from the Dr. & Mrs. H.E. Christie Community Foundation in the amount of $60,000. This donation will be used to fund a corresponding grant of $60,000 from the Town to Amherst Little League, to assist in their facilities improvement project, specifically new dugouts and backstops.

Fire Service to County

The most recent agreement between the Town of Amherst and the Municipality of the County of Cumberland expired on March 31, 2023. Since the expiration of this agreement the Town of Amherst has continued to provide fire protection service for the county coverage area as defined in the agreement; and, has been negotiating a new agreement with the Municipality of the County of Cumberland. On Monday night, Council approved the new Fire Services Agreement between the two municipalities, and authorized the Mayor and CAO to execute the agreement. This new agreement is retroactive to the first day of April, 2023 and extends for a period of 15 years, expiring on March 31, 2038.

Other Business

Councillor McManaman was selected as a designated alternate for a signing authority along with the Mayor and Deputy Mayor. Council also directed staff to explore and report back if ordering and using fireworks for New Years is still a viable option. 

Full details of the Council meeting are available in the agenda package.