Town Departments
View all Current, Future, and Past Development Applications.
Depending on the nature of the development, applications for approval may be considered through as-of-right processes, site plan approval, or development agreements. Applications requiring development agreements or amendments to planning documents must follow the process outlined below.
For questions, concerns or errors regarding current Development Agreement applications, please contact Torben Laux at
Six-Step Planning Process
Document Amendment and Development Agreement Process
Step 1: Application & Preliminary Review
- Submission of the draft design and proposal.
- Preliminary review by staff.
- Formal application for development agreement.
Step 2: Public Participation Opportunity
- The public is informed about the proposal details and relevant policies to consider.
- The public is given the opportunity to provide input on the proposal.
Step 3: Planning Advisory Committee
- Review of the proposal, comments and feedback from the public participation.
- Make a recommendation on the development agreement to Council.
Step 4: First Reading
- Council considers First Reading of the agreement and schedules a public hearing.
Step 5: Public Hearing
- Detailed overview of the proposal.
- Present feedback from public participation opportunity, report and recommendations of the Planning Advisory Committee.
Step 6: Second Reading
- Council considers Second Reading and decides on the proposal.
- Notice of Council's decision is advertised, providing the right to appeal to Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (NSUARB).
test article
Drugs and Addiction
Internal and external education, individual and community support, and enforcement.
Social Needs
Poverty reduction, improved Accessibility for all, Inclusion Diversity and Equity.
Community Collaboration
Working together with government, non-profits, individuals, and community groups to achieve our mutually beneficial goals.
Community Vibrancy
Activities, healthy lifestyles, celebrations, education, communication
Economic Development
Support small and large business, promotion, business and industrial expansion.
*These are priorities not linked to specific end dates or specific deliverables.
Project Goal
Development of an overarching plan around Mobility that includes Active Living, Active Transportation improvements and a potential Transit Service for the community.
Project Completion
June 2025
Responsible Departments
Community Wellbeing, Planning and Strategic Initiatives, Operations
Project Background
A suite of initial Active Transportation and physical activity infrastructure upgrades were included in the pdf 2024/25 Capital Budget (1.40 MB) , with work to be completed during the 2024 construction season.
pdf A discussion paper that outlined considerations for a transit system (4.37 MB) (Council Direction Requests, item 2.3) was presented to Council in January.
An Active Living Strategy was approved by Council in May.
Current Status
Staff are researching, and working with partners and consultants to move this process forward. A Mobility Strategy working group has been created to consider next steps and develop a work plan for Council’s consideration, and the Town is working towards aligning objectives from the Active Living Strategy to meet objectives from Active Transportation. Examples include:
- Enhance connections/networks of walking and wheeling routes to support movement and active transportation.
- Align with the Town’s Accessibility Plan to create safe walking and wheeling routes within the community.
- Link with other Town/municipal strategies/planning to ensure natural and built environments and connectivity are considered in planning and future development.
Future Actions
There are several grants and funding opportunities that staff are researching to assist with planning, infrastructure and capital costs. Once these have been thoroughly investigated, staff will bring a comprehensive report and recommendations to Council on how to proceed.
An overall strategy framework and project work plan will be finalized for presentation to Council.