In Nova Scotia, poverty is prevalent. In fact, as of 2019, more than 41,230 children in this province are living at or below the poverty line. It should also be noted that Nova Scotia has one of the highest rates of disabled persons, at about 30% of the overall population. Here in Cumberland County, the towns of Amherst and Oxford, the overall rate of poverty is greater than the provincial average.
Immediate, achievable steps need to be taken to ensure the goals of poverty reduction are met. During the last two decades many government and not-for-profit organizations have worked individually or in collaboration with each other to deliver services for those living in poverty. These attempts are largely focused on managing poverty as opposed to eradicating it. While many positive initiatives resulted from the hard work further efforts are required if we are to meet the Sustainable Development Goals as outlined by the United Nations.
- Read our full Poverty Reduction Advisory Committee Strategic Plan here.
- This committee's Terms of Reference are accessible here.