The Town of Amherst is ready to assist your business in finding the right site to grow. Our industrial park is home to companies in the aerospace, green technology, food processing, manufacturing, and distribution sectors. Available buildings and development-ready sites range from one acre to 122 acres, located in the geographic centre of Atlantic Canada with easy access to road, rail, air, and sea.
We’re looking for compatible businesses that are environmentally responsible, innovative, and focused on export markets. Let’s talk about your next big move!
Economic Development Officer: Jeffrey Bacon
Phone: 902-694-2161
pdf Explore the Amherst Industrial Park description brochure (871 KB) for site information, incentive programs, information on access to global markets and details about our community. pdf Have a look at our Industrial Park promotional brochure (5.33 MB) for helpful details about available properties and more information on how Amherst can become your gateway to success.
On September 29, 2017, the Town of Amherst enacted a by-law establishing a pdf Commercial Development Support Program (602 KB) , designed to stimulate building construction and expand the economy.
The Town of Amherst’s By-Law P-9 takes advantage of the recent change to the Municipal Government Act (through Bill 177) to “authorize municipal councils to make a by-law providing for the phasing-in, over up to 10 years, of an increase to the taxable assessed value of certain or contaminated properties located in a commercial development district established by by-law and further providing for the cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes paid as a result of the phasing-in.”
This means that property owners within the Commercial Development District (CDD) can apply for annual partial rebates of up to ten years on commercial taxes if you have undertaken development of the property. Development can include new building construction, or the expansion of an existing building to realize more effective utilization of the property’s potential.
The Development Support Program was established to assist owners of eligible properties by providing the possibility of an annual partial rebate on taxes paid by the owner. The rebates are designed to stimulate building construction and the expansion of the economy of the Town. The Development Support Program may provide a participating owner with a partial rebate on taxes paid on an eligible property by utilizing all or a portion of the “Rebate Eligible Assessment.”
Eligible properties must enter into a Phased-in Assessment Agreement with the Town before receiving a development rebate. To get started, check out the full
Commercial Development Support Program By-Law
(602 KB)
and contact Town of Amherst Business Development Officer Jeffery Bacon at
The Gritty to Pretty Program encourages commercial building owners in Amherst to invest in beautification and streetscaping by providing matching grants to cover a portion of renovation costs. The program is delivered as a partnership between the Town of Amherst and the Cumberland Chamber of Commerce.
Funding is allocated on a case-by-case basis. The program will consider up to 50% of eligible costs, to a maximum of $3,000, with the balance coming from the applicant or other sources.
Eligible improvements may include signage, beautification fixtures, such as baskets, benches, bike racks and planters, lighting and repair or reconstruction of building facade, windows and doors.
All projects must be completed by Dec. 1, 2022, to receive reimbursement of expenses.
For more information and to apply, contact:
Cumberland Chamber of Commerce
5 Ratchford St., Amherst NS
Download the pdf 2022 Gritty to Pretty Design Guidelines and Information Package (6.03 MB) .
Programs are available to entrepreneurs in Amherst in support of business growth and development.