Amherst Stadium closing due to weather, February 13
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Please Note: Amherst Stadium will close at 3 p.m. on Thursday, February 13, due to weather conditions.

Winter Carnival - Feb 12-16, 2025
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Amherst's annual Winter Carnival is all set to run from February 12-16, 2025.
Every day presents new opportunities for fun - many of which are completely free of charge!
Our Winter Carnival Family Fun Day will take place on Saturday, February 15, from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the YMCA of Cumberland - 92 Church Street in Amherst. Everything at the Family Fun Day is free!
Ages 18+ must show ID to enter the YMCA.
pdf Have a look at our complete schedule for Winter Carnival 2025 (8.51 MB) .

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Public Notice is hereby given that lands and premises hereinafter described are liable to be sold for taxes due to the Town of Amherst as indicated in the sum set under the description of said lot and unless such taxes, interest and expenses are paid, the Town will proceed to sell the land and/or premises at public auction at the Town of Amherst, Town Hall, Council Chambers, 98 Victoria St., Amherst, NS on Tuesday, February 11, 2025 at 10:00 o’clock in the forenoon according to law, with bidding registration being at 9:30am.
The Town of Amherst makes no representations or warrantees to any purchaser regarding the fitness, geophysical or environmental suitability of the land(s) and/or premises offered for sale for any particular use and are being sold on an “as is” basis only. Prospective Purchasers are responsible to conduct their own searches and surveys or other investigations. Commercial and land is subject to HST.
TERMS: Payment must be made at the time of sale by cash, debit card, bank draft or lawyer’s trust cheque, plus $445 to register the Certificate of Sale and Prepare Tax Deed.
Any person desiring a more complete description of the property to be sold may call Ann Estabrooks, Revenue Officer at 902-667-3352 for this information.

Emergency Watermain Repair - Boyleston Ave
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An emergency watermain repair is underway on Boyleston Avenue, between Elmwood Drive and Milford Street.
Traffic will be disrupted in this area - motorists are advised to plan an alternate route.
Water service will be interrupted during repair work, which will be completed as soon as possible.
Questions can be directed to Town Hall at 902-667-3352 or

Town of Amherst Strategic Plan, 2024-2028
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On Monday night, January 27, Amherst Town Council voted to adopt the 2024-2028 Strategic Plan. This new tool will be used to guide Council in decision making during their term, and provide staff with direction in developing and implementing their budgets and work plans. The plan establishes Economic Prosperity and a Vibrant Community as our two main priorities, and includes outcomes and initiatives established to work towards these priorities.
Visit the new Strategic Plan page on our website for more information, or pdf download the strategic plan document here (8.66 MB) .

Notice of Public Hearing: Development Agreement Application - 96 Church Street
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Amherst Town Council will be holding a Public Hearing regarding an application for a Development Agreement to create 7 units, 6 units within a building and one standalone unit, at 96 Church Street (PID 25013814).
A Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 12:00 p.m. in Town Hall Council Chambers, 98 East Victoria Street, Amherst, NS.
Council will hear submissions in support of or opposition to the application. Written submissions may be provided in advance to the Municipal Clerk at 98 East Victoria Street, or by emailing
For additional information please visit the Development Applications section of the Town of Amherst website or contact Torben Laux, Land Use Planner, at 902-667-3352 or
Natalie LeBlanc
Municipal Clerk

Emergency Watermain Repair - Victoria Street
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Amherst Public Works crews are responding to a watermain break in the area of Victoria Street W. and Russell Street. Emergency repairs are required to repair this leak, which will result in water service interruptions for users in the immediate area.
This repair work is expected to begin by 11 a.m. today, January 23, 2025.
Victoria Street W. will remain open to traffic, but traffic control personnel will be in place. Drivers in the area should expect delays, or plan an alternate route.
This repair will be completed and water service restored to affected properties as soon as possible.
For more information, please call Town Hall at 902-667-3352 or email