Town News

March proclaimed as Amyloidosis Awareness Month
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- Category: Articles
March has been proclaimed as Amyloidosis Awareness Month in Amherst.
WHEREAS March is Amyloidosis Awareness Month, a month dedicated to raising awareness, funding research, and supporting those living with amyloidosis and their loved ones; and
WHEREAS Amyloidosis is a group of diseases that occurs when an abnormal protein, known as amyloid, builds up in the tissues and organs of the body. Left untreated, the disease can result in organ failure and can be fatal; and
WHEREAS Amyloidosis can mimic the signs and symptoms of more common medical conditions and the disease can be challenging to diagnose; and
WHEREAS Amyloidosis often affects people who are older or middle aged, younger people have also been diagnosed with this disease; and
WHEREAS Some of the signs and symptoms of amyloidosis can include shortness of breath, weight loss, fatigue, swelling in the ankles and legs, numbness in the hands and feet, foamy urine, carpal tunnel syndrome, bruising around the eyes, and an enlarged tongue; and
WHEREAS Early diagnosis can lead to better outcomes for both patients and their families; and
WHEREAS Raising awareness about all the amyloidosis diseases, including hereditary and non-hereditary forms of the disease, can contribute to the building of healthier communities across Canada.
BE IT RESOLVED, THEREFORE, that I, Rob Small, Mayor of Amherst, proclaim March 2025 as Amyloidosis Awareness Month in the town of Amherst.
For more information, visit the CASN - Canadian Amyloidosis Support Network Inc.

Officer Suspension
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- Category: Media Releases
Amherst Police Department
Earlier today the Amherst Police Department was advised that formal charges had been laid against one of their members by the Cumberland RCMP.
Based upon those charges, the member was later served with a Notice of Allegations under the Police Act of Nova Scotia by the Amherst Police Department. Sergeant Christopher Jobe has been suspended indefinitely under Section 63 of the Police Act Regulations.
The Officer has not been on active duty or at work for the past several months.
At this time the Police Act investigation is suspended until the criminal matters are resolved.
Jobe is scheduled to appear in Amherst Provincial Court on April 14.
Direct enquiries to:
Sean Payne
Corporate Communications Officer
Rob Small

February 24, 2025 Amherst Town Council – Meeting Highlights
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- Category: Media Releases
At Monday night’s regular meeting of Amherst Town Council, members voted to approve amendments to the pdf Sidewalk and Curb Construction Policy (1.90 MB) , including language updates to specify that any sidewalk construction projects moving forward will involve replacement of existing brick pavers with concrete, to improve accessibility. Language will also be added to the policy that will ensure the use of tactile warning indicator plates at crosswalks, to improve accessibility for the visually impaired.
This policy was reviewed by the Accessibility Advisory Committee who provided their recommendations for Council’s consideration.
Staff will prepare a long-range brick paver replacement plan and include brick paver replacements in future capital budgets for consideration.
Appointments of Members of Council to External Boards, Committees and Commissions Policy
Following the municipal election in October, Council completed a review of external Boards, Committees and Commissions to which they appoint members of Council. Amendments to Appendix A of the pdf Appointment of Members of Council to External Boards, Committees and Commissions Policy (5.17 MB) were approved by Council on Monday night, to reflect the following appointments:
Cumberland Public Libraries Board: 1 Member appointed; Regional Emergency Management: 2 Members appointed; Northern Region Solid Waste: 1 Member appointed; Cumberland YMCA: 1 Member appointed; LA Animal Shelter: 1 Member appointed; Senior Safety Advisory Committee: 1 Member appointed; and, GFL Community Liaison Committee: 1 Member appointed.
The GFL Community Liaison Committee is a new addition to the list of member appointments, while members were not re-appointed to the Cornerstone Board of Directors or the Municipal Alcohol Project.

Notice of Approval - Development Agreement - 96 Church Street
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- Category: Public Notices
Notice is hereby given that at a meeting held February 24, 2025, Amherst Town Council gave second and final reading of a development agreement to create 7 units, 6 units within a building and one standalone unit, at 96 Church Street (PID 25013814).
Section 249 of the Municipal Government Act provides the right to appeal this decision to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board within 14 days from the date of this notice.
Natalie LeBlanc
Municipal Clerk
Dated February 25, 2025

A new downtown home for Jiinx Grooming & Pet Services
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- Category: Articles
The number of Canadian households with pets has continued to grow over the last several years, and Amherst is no exception to this trend.
In 2022, we presented a new business certificate Jiinx Grooming; a little over three years later, we’re back – but this time it’s to celebrate their move into a new, larger location for the booming business.
Mayor Rob Small and members of Town Council dropped into 8 Havelock Street recently to check things out, congratulate owner Kimberly James-Cartmill on the move, and ask her how it all came about.
“It was lot of hard work. A lot of hard work,” responded James-Cartmill, when asked about the process of changing locations. “Right from the beginning we said probably at the two-year mark – we had a two-year lease – we’d be looking at moving into something a little bigger, a little more retail friendly. And it was definitely a want to buy instead of leasing. So, when the opportunity came up, we started looking and, you know, landed on this place – which is great. I love it.”
Mayor Rob Small, along with Deputy Mayor Davidson and Councillors Ripley and McManaman, recently presented Kimberly James-Cartmill - owner of Jiinx Grooming & Pet Services - with a certificate to celebrate the business's move to a new, larger downtown Amherst location.

Male Facing Multiple Charges After Fleeing Police
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- Category: Media Releases
Amherst Police Department
A 45-year-old Springhill man is in custody and is facing numerous charges after a late-night incident that resulted in a vehicle roll-over in Amherst on Friday night.
On February 14th 2025 at approximately 11:46 pm, Police observed a vehicle in the Poplar Street area in Amherst that they believed was operated by a known male who was on curfew and other release conditions as a result of previous charges. When the Police vehicle emergency equipment was activated to stop the vehicle, it fled at a high rate of speed and on Poplar Street towards the 6-way stop. As Police discontinued the pursuit, they were able to see what appeared to be headlights shining up a telephone pole in the distance. Police attended and located the vehicle that had fled on its roof in a yard on East Pleasant Street, just east of the 6-way stop. The lone male driver was exiting the vehicle and fled on foot through backyards and over a fence. A member of the public also assisted in attempting to stop the fleeing male but was unsuccessful. During the foot pursuit. Police also observed the accused having some kind of interaction with a person driving a white SUV. The SUV sped off prior to police catching up to the male on Wellington Street where he was arrested and taken into custody. A firearm was also located and seized by police.
John Alan Warner, aged 45 of Springhill, Nova Scotia has been charged with multiple charges that include:
- Fail to Comply with Released Order Condition – Section 145(5)(a) Criminal Code x 3
- Flight from Police – Section 320.17 Criminal Code
- Resist/Obstruct Police Officer – Section 129(a) Criminal Code
- Unauthorized possession of a prohibited or restriction weapon – Section 91(2) Criminal Code
- Unauthorized Possession of a Firearm – Section 91(1) Criminal Code
- Damage to Property – Section 430(4) Criminal Code
- Unauthorized Possession of a Firearm in a Motor Vehicle – Section 94(2) Criminal Code
- Uttering Threats – Section 264.1(1)(a) Criminal Code
Warner has pending charges in relation to an incident on January 25th, 2025 in Amherst in which he has been stopped by Police and charged with possession of Methamphetamine for the purpose of trafficking and possession of Fentanyl for the purpose of trafficking. He is also facing several charges under the Motor Vehicle Act. He had been remanded into custody on these matters, but was released by the courts on January 27th, 2025 on conditions.
Warner was remanded on the latest charges and is scheduled to appear in court on February 18th 2025.
Anyone with further information related to this incident is asked to contact the Amherst Police Department at 902-667-8600 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). Police are interested in speaking with the driver of the white SUV who came into contact with the accused during this incident.
APD Media Contact:
Cpl. Tom Wood – APD Major Crime Unit
PH: 902-667-860